Tokyo! Tokyo! Part 1

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I arrived at the ramen place, this establishment has seating for one. After a quick walk through on how the ordering process works, I finished ordering, and then I wait.  Thinking about what happened at the hotel lobby, I started to feel a little warm inside. (Damn he was handsome. What was his name again, D-Diavolo, I wouldn't mind seeing him again. Seeing him in the morning, evening, naked.). "Mm, so sexy." Less than 10 minutes later my food arrived, I thanked them for my food and started eating. And IT WAS DELICIOUS! It was so good that I order another before I finished the first one. "That hit the spot!" I was ready for sight seeing now, but I'll  go to this teamlab Borderless tomorrow, once I map out everything first.  I could eat ramen all day if I wanted but I do need to try new things too..  (I should do a Japanese steakhouse tomorrow.). When I arrived back at the hotel, I couldn't wait to go to bed.  I was full, had my snack, i'll just sit on the balcony and look over the city.  (Let me call Leslie and see how she's doing?). As I dialed her number and waited, she didn't answer.  So I called again, still nothing.  So I just texted her instead and placed my phone down.  (Traveling alone is different, boring really.  She did leave me a list so I'll go to some places she suggested.). I decided to play some more of Mononoke Land before going to bed.

The next day started with me in the bathroom throwing up. (Alright baby. How much longer with this?). I go to the kitchen to get bread and we don't have any. I almost ordered room service but I remembered they have a restaurant downstairs. Before I went to go eat, I needed to wash up first. After my shower I looked at myself in the mirror, I can see a slight bump but nothing that overly screamed pregnant. (Goodness, we're both pregnant at the same time.). I threw on a romper and my white Chuck Taylor's (hi tops!) and went to the restaurant. Making my way from the elevator to the restaurant was tough. (Why is so many people up this early in the morning too.). Until I noticed a sign saying Lover's Day Festival. (Oh no!). I looked around and saw couples of all ages, and orientations. (Maybe I'm not hungry anymore.). "Miss, will you be dining today?" (I so want to run away right now.). "Good Morning Brianna." As I turn to see Diavolo. "Good Morning to you too." "Miss, will you be dining today?" The greeter asked again. "Would you care to join me today?" Diavolo asks. I was about to say no, but my stomach growled loud. "Sure." He laughed. "Two please."

   We were escorted to our tables with everything decorated we love. "Wow, they really go all out here I see." "Have you never experienced Lover's Day?" "Is it the same as Valentines Day?" He nods. "In a sense, but no gifts just enjoying each other's company." I placed my hand on my chest. "Aww that's so sweet, and no I haven't." He looked surprised. "Really such a beautiful woman like yourself, I wouldn't believe it if you were single?" I shake my head. "Well turns out, I will be."

The waiter gave us waters and a menu all lover themed items meant to be shared. (Oh damn!). "So what would you like to have?" He asks, while leaning closer.  "How about some pancakes, some bacon, with some matcha tea. Sounds good?" I look up, and his face was fairly close to mine. "Perfect."  Diavolo said.  ~clears throat~ "I'm sorry, we're you waiting for someone?" I broke the silence.  "No, I was hungry and came down to eat." Diavolo responded. "You said you are a teacher?" "Yes, you remembered, I am a substitute teacher in the US. I go to different schools to fill in when teachers go on vacation, or most recently maternity leave. I really enjoy it." He followed up.  "But you also want a school too. Why don't you have one?" "Well I started at a school and that had to close due to budget cuts. So now we have a lot of teachers that are unemployed. Either I can move to another city or to another state where there's a demand for teachers. Or I can sign up to be an online teacher. And with online schooling on the rise in the last year and so many parents find that, that's what's best for their children." I was talking so much that our food arrived. "I'm sorry, I always wanted to be a teacher, and sometimes I talk for what seems like a really long time." "No, not at all. I was enjoying everything you said. I love that philosophy, find something you love and know everything about it and more." He smiles at me and he looked even more handsome then yesterday. "Alright, these pancakes are huge." I laughed. "You have a beautiful laugh." "Thanks."

He grabbed the knife and started cutting the pancakes. "Would you like syrup on everything?" "Yes, please!" (And you too!). "Lady's first." Diavolo hold a fork out for me with pancake on it, and fed it to me. "How does it taste?" "Umm, hmm hmm hmm, hmm!" He laughed. I swallowed my bite, and held my for for him. "Open wide?" He leaned forward to take his bite, and slowly grazed my arm. Sending a shiver down my back. "Wow, these are really good. I have to have this more often." We continued to feed each other and still had a conversation too. "Are you here alone, or visiting someone?" He asks.  "Alone, well I was supposed to be her with my friend but she had to go home. So now I'm trying to vacation alone. What about you, besides working, are you here alone?" As I drink my matcha. "Yes, I'm here alone too. And I don't really get to go out as much. Business comes first but I would love to have a day off, just to see what's out there." I thought about it. "If your not busy today, would you be interested in sightseeing with me? Only if your not busy." I'm sweating underneath my clothes. Diavolo was shocked, then agreed. "I would love to go out today. Just give me a hour, and I will be ready to go. Oh, I don't have a way to contact you." "Here , I will give you my phone number."  We exchange numbers at the table before we finished our meal.

Once we were done, I was going to pay, but Diavolo insisted. "Don't worry about the bill, my treat." "Thank you." As we leave the restaurant . "I will call you and let you know when I'm done." "Okay, and thank you for breakfast. I really enjoyed myself." "Me too." We stand there for another minute, until we actually left. "I should get going, see you later Brianna." "Bye!" I go to the elevators and no one couldn't remove this smile on my face if they tried.


Diavolo's side:
   Diavolo and Lucifer headed back to Devildom  yesterday.  And while he was home I had a smile on his face.  "I see the Young Master is smitten with someone?"  Barbatos asked.  "Yes Barbatos, she was an absolute delight.  I want to see her again."  He got serious for a minute.  "I know we can't start a relationship, or we will have to meet with Michael."  He looks at Barbatos.  "I take it, you already know what choice I make?"  "Sir, I would never use my abilities on you.  Even if I did, it would only be in your best interest.  Never for selfish gain."  Barbatos said while pouring tea.  "Then I shall turn in after this cup, I have a date tomorrow."

   The next day, Diavolo arrives at the Corvo Hotel.  "Good Morning Brianna."  As she turned around.  "Good Morning to you too."  (She looks even more beautiful then yesterday.)  "Miss, will you be dining today?"  I have to ask.  "Would you care to join me today?"  (Maybe I was too forward.  Her stomach growled, that's adorable.)  "Sure."  I laughed.  "Two please."  We walk into the restaurant and it was beautiful.   (I've never seen something like this I wonder if she has.). "Have you never heard of Lover's Day?"  (What?). "It's almost like Valentine's Day, in a sense but no gifts just enjoying each other's company."  (Wait is she not still married, right?)  "Really such a beautiful woman like yourself, I wouldn't believe it if you were single?"  (Wait did she say she will be?)

  As Diavolo and Brianna eat their breakfast during the Lover's Day celebration, Brianna asked if Diavolo wanted to go out, to sightsee.  "I would love to go out today. Just give me a hour, and I will be ready to go. Oh, I don't have a way to contact you."  (She gave me her number.).  "I will call you and let you know when I'm done."  As we stood there I did want her to leave but I had work to do, and I was going to see her again, real soon.  "I should be going, see you later Brianna."  I watched as she stood at the elevators, I can tell she had a smile on her face.  I walk into my office, to check my schedule for today. (Nothing really, great I can go out with Brianna, and see Tokyo.). I then teleported to the penthouse suite, and took a shower.  Once I was done I put on my human world outfit, the all black with a red over coat.

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