Part 5

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Taylor ducked behind a tree and sat down with her back against it. She never had a problem walking past Bowers' house in order to get to Mike's, but his dad just pulled in and she didn't think it would be a good idea. 

She sat still and heard the door open, then a gruff, "Where are you going?" 
"To do something," Bowers answered back. Taylor peeked around the tree to see Butch roughly shove him back towards the house. 
"Get back in the house," he ordered, shoving his son again, almost making him fall. Taylor took a breath before standing up and making her presence known. She thought of something quick. 
"Hey Officer Bowers," she greeted as if she just casually walked up. 

"Who are you?" Butch questioned back. 
"Taylor Denmark," she put on a false smile and held out her hand. 
"Why are you here?"
Taylor crossed her arms over her chest. "I was waiting for B- Henry," she stumbled over his name. "He was late, so I came to get him." 

"You his girlfriend?" Butch continued to interrogate. Taylor groaned internally, but kept up the act. 

"Something like that," she answered before taking Henry's wrist in her hand, "We'll be going now but I think someone a few doors down have a problem with an abusive father you might wanna check out." 

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