Chapter seven

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Tsumugi sat at her desk she was excited today was the last day of school then summer break began.

Her, Ayame, Shigure, and Hatori had all become really close friends in the short time that she knew them. And to think that they only met a month ago. (The time probably doesn't add up but pretend it Does)

The bell rang signalling that it was time for lunch. As usual Ayame picked her up from class and they walked together. "so what are our plans for the summer" she asked Ayame

He smiled "Festivals, beaches, amusement parks you name it were going to do it all!" He said and she smiled.

She saw Shigure and Hatori and ran up to them "ahh" she said as her and Shigure did there hand shake.

Then she turned to Hatori "hello Tori!" She said and Hatori let out a small smile.

Tsumugi had really grown on him. She was like a sister to him. They walked over to there usual table and then Tsumugi ran her fingers through Ayame's soft white locks.

His hair had gotten longer than it was before it gained about two inches. Her hair was still longer than his.

The principle is probably going to make him cut it when we come back from break she thought sadly.

"so Tsumugi does your mom have anything planned for the summer?" Hatori asked and Tsumugi shook her head

"she wants to go visit my grandma a few cities away. My grandma is sick. She asked if I wanted to come but grandma Akemi and I don't get along she wanted a grandson thats why"

She explained to the ground. Hatori nodded "so you'll be alone for the summer?" He asked then she laughed "of course not I have my best friends and Sakura who is going to be running the shop" she said

She was unfazed by the fact that her mother had to leave she was used to her mother being busy anyway. They enjoined there lunch and her and Ayame went to home economics.

They made little pillows. Ayame's had Tsumugi embroidered on it and Tsumugi had Ayame's. Everyone in the school thought they were dating because of the way they act.

Ayame's fan club were not happy about it at all but kept there distance because they didn't want her to tell Ayame.

They finished there pillows and then they split to go to there last class.


"FREEDOM!!!!?" Ayame, Shigure, and Tsumugi yelled. The smiled and ran off to the shop as usual. Tsumugi's mom accepted Shigure dispite his first impression and now she treats them like family.

"hey mom school if finally out!" She smiled "well I leave for your grandmother's tomorrow" she said and Tsumugi knew that she was upset because she wouldn't get o spend the summer with her like she wanted.

"its okay I have my friends to keep me company" she said trying to ease the older woman's worries. She smiled "ya your right you guys take care of her" she said and Ayame nodded "of course"

She gave them there ice cream of choice and they went to Tsumugi's house.

"ok so tomorrow we can just chill and hang out maybe watch a movie?" Tsumugi suggested and Shigure sighed "I can't I have obligations tomorrow" he said sadly and  she smiled.

"thats ok we still have a whole summer" he nodded. Shigure had promised akito that he would spend time with her.

"so are you guys staying for dinner?" She asked and they shook there heads "sorry we can't today" Hatori said.

Tsumugi nodded "ok....hmm...oh ya Ayame I made you a kimono!" She said going to her room. Then she cane out with a black kimono with gold highlights.

"its perfect !" He said then she turned to the other two "and I made one for Shigure and Hatori!" She pulled out a green kimono for the grey haired boy and a blue one for Hatori.

"I know you don't wear them often but I didn't want you to feel left out" she said and he gave her a smile "thank you" she nodded.

"I think green is my color aya!" Shigure said coming out of the bathroom with his kimono on. "I think it is" Ayame said clapping.

They soon had to leave and Tsumugi started dinner. She heard the door open "honey Im home" her mom said "in the kitchen" she was making miso soup her moms favorite.

"thanks for cooking it smells delicious" she smiled "thanks mom its almost done" her mom went upstairs to change and came down to a set table.

"I don't deserve you" she said hugging her daughter. Tsumugi giggled "eat before it gets cold" she said and her mom released her.

They ate talking about the time she was going to spend with her grandmother. "I'll be back at the end of summer break at most if not shorter its just until she gets better" her mom said.

Tsumugi nodded "I know like I said don't worry this summer is going to he epic!" She smiled at her daughter "have you talked to Sora?" She asked cleaning her dish "ya I spoke to her yesterday she's settled and she got a new friend named Becca"

"thats good that way neither of you are alone" Tsumugi smiled and started to clean her dish as well.

"im going to bed" her mom said n with a yawn. "Good night"

Tsumugi looked at her phone when it beeped.

Sexy ass hoes😩


Can't wait for tomorrow!


                                  Uptightbastard😒 entered the chat.                                                          


Why did
you change my name
I know it was you Shigure!

Dirtydog🐕 changed Uptightbastard😒 to Father🙄


Really Shigure!

Dirtydog🐕 changed Father🙄 to Tori🤓


This is as good as its going to get


Princecharming🤴 entered the chat


Lmao thanks Shigure for the name
and night princess

Ourprincess👸 entered the chat

night guys and Shigure👌


👉 ahh~


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If you have any names for them then please comment them. Because Im probably going to be doing more group chat scenes and if you have any ideas for those then that would be nice.

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