Chapter eight

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Today Ayame, Tsumugi and Hatori were at the store picking out snacks.

"what's your favorite snack?" Tsumugi asked Ayame and he smerked "you" Hatori rolled his eyes and Tsumugi laughed "that was a good one not going to lie"

"why thank you princess" they went to the candy isle and smiled. they grabbed sour patch kids, Twix bars, milk ways, etc.

When they were done loading the cart with snacks Tsumugi looked over at Hatori "do you think we need more?" She asked and Hatori shook his head.

"this is already bad enough I wouldn't be surprised if you got cavities" he said

"ya ya. Ok now movies!" They went into the move isle. "Lets get different ones" she said.

And for comedy they got two movies in case the scary one was two much. White chicks and thats my boy. Then they got 27 dresses and they got Chucky. (I don't get scarred often but chucky creeps me tf out)

"Ill be right back I need to go get salmon" Tsumugi said "ok princess" Ayame said looking at other movies.

Tsumugi went to the meat isle and she felt someone's hands on her eyes she kneed whoever it was where it hurts the most.

"Oww Tsumugi!" She heard the voice cry and she saw Shigure on the floor. "Oh my gosh sorry!" She helped him up and he laughed

"Why are you here I thought you had obligations?" She asked selecting a pack of salmon. "I got off early" he said and I smiled. "Thats great!"

The two of them walked back together and Shigure and Ayame smiled "nice to see you've returned you dirty dog" he said in a low voice. "I could never leave you my love!" Shigure replied.

Then they gave each other a thumbs up and went back to sitting through movies. "Those two I swear" Hatori said and Tsumugi smiled.

"ill be back I have to use the restroom" Hatori said already regretting his words.

"hey guys I found an empty cart!" Shigure said with a smerk. So they did the only reasonable thing a normal person would do.

They recreated the scene from titanic. Ayame had his arms out and Shigure was holding him and Tsumugi was pushing the cart around.

People were giving them weird stares and Shigure laughed "your just jealous of this bromance right here!" He said.

"mommy what are they doing?" A little black haired girl asked "honey don't look at them" her mom said dragging the child away from what she assumed to be crack heads.

Hatori came out of the bathroom "what the fuck?" He said "hati come join us make it a three some!" Shigure said. Tsumugi couldn't hold in her laughter anymore and started wheezing.

She laughed until her sides hurt and started again while she watched Hatori pull them out of the cart and scold them like a mother would her child.

She wiped tears from her eyes and looked back at the two sulking boys. "we have to check out" she said. And then they perked up.

They spent seventy dollars on snacks. And they did not regret one bit of it.


They arrived back at Tsumugi's house and then she smiled. "Lets build a pillow fort!" They built it in front of the tv. They but Christmas lights around it and it was huge.

"Ok now for the blankets and pillows" Tsumugi said she handed Hatori the pillows and Ayame the blankets.

"Shigure come help me set up the snacks" Tsumugi said and Shigure followed her to the kitchen. She set out bowls. "Im going to pop some pop corn put the candy in the bowls."

She put the timer on the microwave and she saw Shigure about to mix Skittles and mms. She took it away from him "straight to jail" she said.

"why?" She gave him the 'are you fucking stupid' look "you just tried mixing two candies together that do not belong together" she said.

She did it herself trying to remember why she let him in the kitchen in the first place.

They chose to watch the scary movie first. "Ahh!" Tsumugi yelled as she heard a knock on the door.

"You answer it!" Shigure said "Ayame go answer it your the man" Tsumugi said and  he looked back at her "since when" he said latching on to Shigure's arm.

"Ill go" Hatori said "I just want you to know that you are a really good friend!" Shigure, Ayame and Tsumugi said at the same time.

Hatori rolled there eyes at there stupidity and opened the door to see a blonde girl with brown eyes and peach lips. She had porcelain skin.

"Hello" Hatori said "hi Im Sakura I was wondering if Tsumugi is here?"  she asked her voice didn't match her soft looking appearance. It was more deep and firm then he thought it would be

"yes she's right here. Tsumugi!" He said. And her, Shigure and Ayame slowly walked towards the door. "Oh ok its not a killer doll thank god" Shigure said.

"hey Sakura" Tsumugi said smiling at the blonde girl. "Hey I was just checking up on you" she said and Tsumugi smiled 'i'm ok" she said.

Sakura left and Tsumugi and the others finished the horror movie. "ok I need something funny now" Ayame said.

They put in thats my boy "wow five seconds into to it and he already banged the teacher" Shigure said letting out a low whistle.

Tsumugi ended up falling asleep after the third movie and Ayame smiled "she's so cute!" He cooed tucking a strand of caramel colored hair out of her face.

Hatori smiled at his friend. And Shigure started teasing him "Tsumugi and Ayame sitting in a tree k I s s I n g"

"your so immature" Hatori said rolling his eyes. "Should we leave?" Shigure asked and Hatori nodded "we don't want to fall asleep and accidentally transform if we bump into her"

Ayame cursed in his head. He liked watching his princess sleep. He and Hatori cleaned up some in the house trying to make it so there wouldn't be much to clean in the morning.

"night princess" Ayame said tucking her in.

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