Chapter 1: An Ordinary Meeting

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Y/N= Your Name

L/N=Last Name

H/C= Hair Color

E/C= Eye Color

Y/H= Your Height

B/D= Birthday

O/S/N= Older Sister Name

Y/S/N= Younger Sister Name

M/N= Mother Name

F/N= Father Name

''= Thinking

Third Person POV:

Erina Nakiri, headmaster of Totsuki Culinary Academy, walked down the halls of the school with grace and posture. Contrary to her movements, her face was full of cockiness. A few days ago, she had defeated her long time rival, Souma Yukihira, in BLUE, a major youth cooking competition. Not only did she defeat Souma, but she also proved her abilities to her mother, Mana Nakiri, who had been trying to have other chefs defeat her in the competition. All in all, Erina's life was going great.

She was humming as she continued to walk down the halls until she nearly ran into someone. She was so surprised that she stepped back and fell on her butt. Erina groaned and stood up. Now she was angry. She turned to the person who she nearly ran into, "Hey, you!! What's the big idea? You nearly had me run into you. I fell down to avoid you. Who do you think you are?" The person turned to her. Erina saw that it was a boy that was Y/H with H/C hair and E/C eyes. He was wearing the Totsuki school uniform, meaning that he was a student there. The boy gasped slightly as he realized who she was, "Oh, my apologies Principal Nakiri. I was not aware of your presence. I am sorry to have nearly bumped into you." Erina blushed slightly, "Uh, well, make sure it doesn't happen again." The boy bowed, "Of course." 

The hall was silent. Erina couldn't think of anything that she could do. She had clearly overreacted to something that was no one's fault, but the boy had apologized nonetheless. It made the situation embarrassing for her. Erina tried to think of something to say when the boy started walking away. Erina gasped, "Wait, hold on a minute." The boy stopped and turned to her. Erina pointed to him, "Who are you? I've never seen you around." The boy's eyebrows furrowed. He let out a sigh before responding, "I am Y/N L/N, a second year. We shared a few classes together last year. Though it seems that you were unaware of that, Principal Nakiri." Erina blushed again, 'I can't believe that we used to be classmates. It's super embarrassing to run into a classmate and not remember them and ask them for their name. Damn it, this is the worst.' Y/N said, "If that is all Principal Nakiri, I must be on my way. I have an important lecture to attend." Erina was brought out of her thoughts, "Oh, yes. Of course. Be on your way." The boy offered her one final bow before leaving.

A few hours later, Erina was rolling over in her bed and screaming into her pillow. She removed it, "Damn that jerk. How dare he humiliate me in front of no one?!... Wait, why am I even upset about this? What the hell?" There was a knock on the door, "Miss Erina, may I come in please?" Erina said, "Yes Hisako. You know that you can come in whenever you want." Hisako Arato, Erina's aid and friend, entered the room with a stack of files in hand, "Sorry. You seemed a bit upset and I didn't want to disturb you. I've brought the files for the second years that you've requested." Erina sat up, "Good. Thank you Hisako. Please leave them on the desk and return to your duties. I'll look them over myself." Hisako placed the files on the desk and turned to Erina, "Uh, may I ask why you wanted these files?" Erina said, "Some of the members of the Council of Ten are graduating this year, so we need to think of possible replacements. I'll start looking through the second year's files and decide if anyone fits the bill." Hisako frowned, "I understand some  of the students' files that you've requested, but there was one that seemed strange to me. Rather than stand out, this candidate seems to only blend in." She grabbed a file, but Erina snatched it from her, "Hisako, I am looking for students who will push this school forward. That includes those who don't stand out, but have talent. Now please leave. I do not want to give away anymore details about the potential candidates." Hisako eyed her friend suspiciously, but knew that she wouldn't get any more answers. She walked out of the room and left Erina alone with the files. 

Once she was alone, Erina ran to her bed to look at the file she had snatched from Hisako. She knew exactly whose file it was. She looked over it, "Y/N L/N, second year, age: 16/17. Born on B/D in Hokkaido. Only son, two sisters, one younger, one older. Family owns a ryokan. Entered Totsuki Academy in middle school. Average grades. Works well with others. Passed the advancement exam with flying colors. Always scores within the top thirty percentile. Specializes in Japanese dishes and sweets. Huh, he seems like a good enough student. Uh, he really was in my class last year. And he even did well on the second year midterms. Damn it." She flopped onto her bed and let the file fall next to her. She mumbled, "I'll show you, you damn bastard." What she was going to show him or for what reason remained a mystery to Erina. 

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