Gringotts Part 2

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We went to all the vaults I had there and took books out learn from them since a lot of them seemed interesting to read. By the time we left to vault my purse was filled with endless books and of course I took some money to buy more books that would be needed and ingredients.

We returned to SilverRock's office and there we started to talk about the treaty as we were waiting for a lawyer to arrive there.

"SilverRock it says here that the Cullen Coven cannot turn a human to a vampire there and they cannot drink human blood. But why can they not drink human blood ? Are they different from our kind of vampires ?" I asked him, while my dad looked interested in the answer.

"Well Lady Black the Cullen Coven are a different kind of vampire. They are what we call the Cold Ones. Their skin are as cold as ice and as tough as marble. They have good looks some people believe they look like gods and goddesses. Some of them also have powers. In the Cullen Coven almost all of them have some kind of power. For example Edward Cullen has the power to read ones mind, but it should be impossible to read yours so you should be careful with him if they do decide to come back you might catch his interest since not many can block him out, also we have Alice Cullen she is able to see a supposed future but you see that's where the down side is every time she sees a future she believes it will happen so she always tries to make it happen, but with Occlumency it should be impossible for her to see you at all unless you allow her too. We also have Jasper Whitlock he has empathy, he is able to read ones emotions and also able to manipulate ones emotions he is or was a soldier he has another personality which goes by Major and it is said he is very violent. Then we have Rosalie Cullen she doesn't really have a power she is just very gorgeous. Last but not least we have Emmett McCarty he is really stronger and is able to control his strength. Then we has Carlisle and Esme Cullen he is a doctor and she is just a housewife and it is she is very nice."

"I noticed you called 2 of them by different last names. Why is that?" my dad asked.

"Well it is because they don't feel as if they are apart of the coven they know they don't truly fit there. But they are stuck there since they were told Alice and Rosalie were their mates. But they know they are not they stay away from them most of the time and are always out since they don't need to sleep so they are lucky in that area. To be honest I believe they are something to you, Lady Black and Mr. Swan since I believe you would feel something towards their names." SilverRock said,

I felt what he said was correct because when he said there names I felt a pull inside me. I asked "How come it didn't say anything on my tests here?"

"It is because we rarely deal with the Cold Ones here and when we do we do a different test for that but it would be better to do that test once you are 11 since your magical core should be more stable and you would have control over it and won't destroy anything." He said

"Now onto the Cold Ones the Cullen Coven don't drink human blood they drink animal blood. They are what we call vegetarians and their eyes are golden. But the ones that drink human blood have red eyes. When they bite someone their venom turns the human into one of them but it burns the one who is turning since their blood is turning into venom. Also to kill them you have take apart limb from limb then burn their body parts so they can't come together again. The shapeshifiters tearing them apart also helps destroying them."

"Now the shapeshifiters and vampires do not get along at all if the vampire crosses onto the shapeshifiters territory they will get killed no matter what. It is in their gene to completely destroy the vampires." said SilverRock

As we continued to talk about their legends we got an understanding about also we found ways to keep ourselves protected from vampires. As I was a imprintee of a shapeshifiter I was able to tell him and his pack about the magical world but I would have to put them in a magical vow so no one else would be able to see it in their minds. Also learned I can change the Cold Ones to a magical vampire which is better in my opinion since they would be able to drink human blood without having to bite a human and they would also have their human eye color back and walk in the sun without sparkling.

The a goblin came in and told SilverRock that the lawyer we were waiting for has just arrived.

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