I'm Bella Swan now

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I woke up as a baby. From what I remember I died well I was murdered by my own mother. Now I just have to know who I am.

"Look at her Charlie isn't she beautiful." The woman, I'm guessing is my mother, said.

"Yeah is what should we name her ?" He said

"We'll name her Isabella Lyra Swan - Black" Charlie just looked at her when she said Black. "We promised out first born would have my maiden surname."

"I always forget your family are powerful in England" He says smiling.

It looks like I was born in Twilight and as Bella Swan. I have the worst luck ever to be reborn as her of all people. She was weak and I am not I am a survivor. I will not let no man walk all over me like OG Bella let the Cullen's do mostly Edward. I do not like Edward I do hope he is not my soulmate or anything unless I would go crazy. I do hope one of the shifters are though. Okay okay first things first I have to figure out why Charlie said Reneé's family are powerful in England. Please don't tell me I'm a witch if I am well let's say people won't be able to sleep at night. I will be trolling them like no other.

After my little rant I fell asleep.

~Time Skip~

Before I realized time passed. It's been 7 months since I've been born and I have realized I am a Black Witch. So that means I will go to magic school when I turn 7 rather than 11 like in England. It also means Gringotts exists here and I will be able to see if there's any Houses that belong to me. Well it's going to be fun here for me. I wonder why Reneé and Charlie divorced in the movie but here in real life it seems they weren't supposed to but now that I think about it OG Bella wasn't a witch neither so probably this is a alternate universe of Twilight. Well let's hope they stay together my mother isn't restricted to just Forks she travels everywhere and anywhere she wants. And Charlie well Charlie is just Charlie he became Police Chief not so long ago. When my mom wants to travel they leave me with my grandparents and since I don't cause any kind of trouble it's fine.

~Time Skip Again~

Lately I realized my mother is sick. I always if she's okay and she says yes but I don't believe her so I always sing to her. The first time she heard me singing she was amazed.

I know she's dying but they don't want me to worry so I do a lot of things with and take pictures and videos so I can always remember her by. I've noticed my mom have recorded videos for my birthdays and important occasions. She has even written letters for me.

So to make her proud of my I start studying everything I can while I have her with me. Even though I had horrible parents my first life I am very attached to my parents this life.

I am now 7 years old and my mother can see me off to magic school but I know she won't last long. So with everything I learn I will do everything in my power to let her be proud of me in life and even in death.

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