Wedding & Bonfire

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It was time for the wedding and I was getting ready to go and sing their first song as husband and wife. I was an 8 year old going to sing a song to a lot of people so I was kind of nervous but at the same time I was excited.

"Are you ready Lyra ?" my asked while he knocked on the door.

"Yeah I'm ready dad. I'll meet you outside dad I am just looking for my shoes.... Oh I found them." I said while putting on my shoes.

As I am going out of my room I was remembering I don't have to go down the stairs since we have an elevator. As I was in the elevator I was humming the song I am going today. Well I am going to sing 2 songs since the bride's father called me and said that he saw me singing during karaoke night and would like for me to sing the father-daughter song. I was delighted and even asked him which song he wanted me to sing and when he told me the song I was happy since I knew the song. 

When I was downstairs I noticed my dad talking to someone. I heard him say "We will see you after the wedding Billy. Lyra is the singer today so please let everyone she will be in a dress and hopefully we remember we have a change a clothes in the car. Yeah okay see you later Billy". When he hung up the phone he turned around and saw me.

 When he hung up the phone he turned around and saw me

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He just stared at me with tears in his eyes.

"Hi daddy. Do you I look fine ?" I asked him

"You look gorgeous honey. Its just your mom won't be able to see you like this" he said

"That's where you are wrong dad, mom is always watching over us. Mom will always be there for us no matter what." I told him

He just gave a teary smile and escorted me to car. "Are you ready Lyra ?" he asked

"Yeah I am. I am nervous and excited. I am singing 2 songs today hopefully the bride and groom like the song I chose for their first dance. By the way dad which comes first the father-daughter dance or husband and wife dance ?"

"Well it all depends on the couple but I believe they are doing the couples dance first and then father daughter one after, so good luck Lyra." he said

We finally arrived at the reception where the party is going to be at and I went to the wedding planner and told her that I was singing the first dance song and the father daughter one also. And she just told me to be ready in an hour since they were on their way there already. So I just waited for them. Once everyone got there the wedding planner came up to me and said "Sweetie get ready to go on stage to sing the first song for the married couple. Alright?" 

"Okay I am ready for this" I said to her while smiling at her.

Then I heard the MC say "Now lets welcome the newlyweds Mr. & Mrs. Cooper." Everyone starts cheering them on as they come in. "Now lets welcome the singer the couple has asked to sing for their first dance. Ms. Isabella Swan" Everyone clapped for me since I was pretty known in Forks because of my dad.

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