It'll All Work Out

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"Heaven is a place of forever. They don't need to come here to live forever. Their loved ones will eventually join them in Heaven, and trust me, Heaven is indescribably more beautiful than earth could ever be."


Chris suddenly looked ashamed, and he ducked his head, turning away from me.

"That was a really stupid thing for me to say, Tae. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. It's natural to wonder something like that, I guess. But once you've seen Heaven, you would understand why it's not even a question worth considering."

He smiled crookedly.

"I'm just really missing Olivia, all this talk about angels, and Heaven, it's kind of taken me back to when I lost her. It was the hardest thing I've ever been through."

As he said the words, I again heard Sam, angry and upset, talking about how hard it had been for her.

I knew it had been harder for her, of course. I had spent almost a year in Heaven, happy, content, full of joy every single day, while she had been suffering through each day, missing me, feeling like she would never be whole again.

I wasn't sure how I would get her to understand that I was an angel, but in human form.

If I could somehow be with her without telling her, well, it would make things a lot easier for me.

But that was impossible.

It might be okay for a decade or so, but she would eventually realize that I wasn't aging.

I didn't want to lie to her anyway. The sooner I could tell her, the better.

"Are you okay Taehyung? You seem lost in your thoughts."

I looked at Chris, nodding.

"I don't know how I'm going to tell Sam...again. I almost wish she hadn't gotten her memories back. She may not have been sure what to think about it last night when I told you guys the truth, but she at least seemed willing to consider it."

Chris nodded thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I agree. Now, with everything crashing back in on her, it's like she's a whole different person."

"She's dealing with the pain of losing me again, where before, she had only been told about it, and it didn't hurt the same because she couldn't remember it, or me. Then to see me, I'm sure the only thing that made sense to her was that I had survived the accident, and stayed away.

"So you don't think she's going to believe you?"

I shook my head.

"I think it's going to be a lot harder to convince her than it would have been before she regained her past."

"Well, what if you do the same thing you did to me? I mean, I'm blown away, and I'm not sure how it can be real, but I saw it with my own eyes, you were there, and then you weren't. So I'd have to say I believe you, ya know?"

"I guess if it comes to that, I will. I'd rather not, but I need her to know the truth. If I could get away with keeping it from her, I would. But I'm sure she'll notice years down the road that I still look exactly the same, and she's aging."

Chris smiled, nodding again.

"Yeah, women don't take aging well as it is. I doubt she'd just pass it off as good genes on your part." He laughed.

"Probably not," I agreed with a smile.

"So, Taehyung, what's going to happen? I mean, if you get her to believe you, then what?"

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