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I expected to feel pain, but there was none. There was nothing. I think I knew that it was a bad thing, the fact that I felt nothing. I should probably be grateful, but somehow, I knew that nothing would ever be the same again.


I couldn't wait to get done here for the day. I was looking so forward to a nice hot bubble bath, and then an evening with Taehyung.

It took me 35 minutes to get my paperwork done, and filed away, and I grabbed my bag and headed for the door, turning lights off as I went.

Once outside, I smiled at the noises of the city. Horns beeping, people chattering, cars stopping and going, a child giggling, a dog barking in the distance, sirens going off.

I loved New York.

I spotted a taxi, and ran for it, hopping into the back seat and giving the driver my address as I buckled my seat belt. 

He merged into the traffic, and I sat back and took a deep breath, finally able to relax after a stressful week. 

I was so proud of Taehyung. I know he didn't expect to sell every painting, and honestly, something like that didn't often happen. 

But he was an amazing artist. If only I could get him to see that. 

Well, maybe now he realized it. 

I closed my eyes, trying to think of something I could do, sort of like a congratulatory surprise. Maybe I could cook him dinner, something Korean. I knew he missed the food from home.

I wasn't sure I could do it justice, but I made up my mind I wanted to try. I pulled out my phone, searching up Korean recipes, and trying to remember if he'd ever mentioned a favorite meal.

"We'll have to take a detour around the block, looks like there's an accident ahead, miss."

I nodded at him in the mirror, having heard the sirens, but not paying much attention because they were pretty normal to hear in this huge city. 

I glanced out the window as he followed the direction of the police officer waving traffic around and to the left, avoiding the several vehicles that had been involved in the accident, and I felt a pang of sadness, because among all the paramedics and police officers moving around, I caught a glimpse of a black sheet on the ground covering what I knew must be a body. 

Someone had died. 

I frowned, feeling sorry for the family of the victim. Such senseless nonsense. If people would pay attention to what was going on around them, things like this could be avoided.

But everyone was always so busy on their phones, technology having taken over, and they failed to notice life happening all around them.

I had an overwhelming urge to text Taehyung, tell him I loved him. But I knew he was going to lie down, try to sleep for an hour or two, and I didn't want to disturb him, so I decided to wait.

I'd go home, take my bath, and then I'd call him. I was anxious to see him now. Things like this had a way of making me appreciate all the good things in my life.

Taehyung was the best thing in my life. 

I almost didn't give him a chance when he tried to get to know me better. But he was persistant, and he won my heart. Now, I'm not sure I could survive without him. 

His beautiful smile lit up my days, and his warm hugs made everything better. He has such a positive outlook on everything that it's hard to believe anything could go wrong when he's around. 

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