Spaghetti and Meatballs

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I nodded, happy that I had a neighbor like him, and I couldn't help smiling as he picked up his bottle of Italian dressing he had set down in front of his door to help, and turned, giving me a small wave before disappearing into his own apartment.


"Who was that young man?"

I was barely  back in the door when I heard Alice questioning me.

"He is my neighbor from across the hall, and I just met him. All I know is that his name is Chris, and we haven't met before. He's only lived here for about 9 months."

Sam hadn't said a word, busy taking items out of the grocery bags and setting them on the counter so that I could put them where I wanted them, but I could see the slight smile on his face as he looked into the bags. 

"Well, he certainly was helpful. I guess it doesn't hurt to have a neighbor like that."

I shook my head. "No, it doesn't. I'm glad I met him."

Alice nodded, going to help Sam unpack the groceries, and I started taking things from the counter and putting them in the cabinet where I thought they should go. A few minutes passed like this, until Alice suddenly spoke again.

"Samantha, what were you doing out in the hallway?"

I rolled my eyes. Why was she asking me that like I was a child who shouldn't have left the apartment by myself without permission?

"Well, I got thirsty, and I was craving a Coke. There was nothing in the fridge except orange juice and water, so I dug up some change and went down to the vending machine."

"Oh. I thought maybe you were thinking of leaving the complex. You could get lost, since you don't remember anything, so I think you should be very careful about going out for the first time."

I closed my eyes, my grip on the can of green beans I was holding tightening as I tried to keep my calm. I wouldn't tell them about my walk, not now. There was no reason to anyway.

"Yes, I know. You don't have to worry," I stated, clenching my teeth in aggravation. "I'm not a child, and I'm well aware of the fact that I have no memory of the area. I will be very careful, and take note of my surroundings when I go out, until I get used to everything. Does that make you feel better?"

Sam lifted his head slowly, looking at me with what I could only describe as disappointment clouding his eyes.

"Samantha" he said quietly, "watch your tone of voice. I realize that you don't remember us yet, but we are still  your parents, and I won't tolerate you speaking to your mother like that."

I breathed out a breath, trying to calm my frazzled nerves. He was right. I sounded like a bratty child, yet I was complaining about being treated like one. 

"I'm sorry," I sighed. "I'm just...this is so frustrating. I know I shouldn't take it out on either of you. I don't mean to. It's just so hard to do anything, knowing that I had a life before this that I can't remember. I want so much to have something of my past, yet, there's nothing. You guys are right in front of me, and I don't remember a single thing about either of you, or my childhood. It's so damn scary to realize that I may never get any of my memories back."

Alice came to me, hesitantly taking my hands in hers. I didn't pull away. I really did feel bad for how I'd acted. 

"No honey, you can't think like that. You will get your memories back. I'm sure of it. It's just going to take some time. Don't worry, we understand your frustration." 


Chris came in the door just as I was returning from my shower. I stepped into the living room as he came in, and I glanced at him, wondering where he'd gone, and why he had a bottle of Italian dressing in his hand.

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