Angels are real

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I shrugged, smiling. "I have to believe it was. I mean, I guess I am the only Samantha Sloane in this building, so chances are that it was meant for me.


My head came up as I heard her say her name. Samantha Sloane. SS. 

"I can tell you, though it may be of little help, that her first and last initial are the same."

I swallowed, glancing at her smiling face, wondering if it could even be possible.

"I can tell you that your chances of running into her are very good. She's closer than you might think."

I stared at her, watching as she talked with Chris. 

She was probably around my age, so it wasn't out of the question. 

There was also the fact that she'd been in an accident. But she'd said the amnesia had been the worst injury. 

That, and I'd only been here for about 3 weeks. Was that really even enough time for the one I was looking for to have recovered and been released from the hospital? That didn't seem possible. 

I was so confused at this point anyway.

It didn't matter though, It couldn't be her. My girl had almost died, and I'd saved her.

It was just as I knew it would be. The clues that Elijah and Sariel had given me were basically useless, and wouldn't be of much help.

She noticed me staring at her, and I quickly looked away, sticking a forkful of mac and cheese in my mouth.

"So you've lived in this building for what...4 years now?"

I lifted my eyes to see her nodding.

"That's what my dad told me. Apparently I moved here when I was 20, and this is the only place I've ever lived besides my parents house."

"It is a nice building, not a bad place to live at all. Taehyung is thinking about taking over my lease when I move out. If he does, you'll still have a neighbor you know."

Samantha looked up, surprised.

"Oh no, you're moving out?"

Chris shook his head.

"Not yet, but eventually. I'd like to find a small house on the outskirts of the city. I've never been one for all the noise and excitement of living in a busy place like this. Before my wife died, we had a nice house in the suburbs. But I made mistakes, and I lost it not long after I lost her. I don't think I would have wanted to live there without her anyway."

The look on her face changed to one of shocked sadness.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." She said, speaking quietly.

Chris gave a sad smile.

"Thank you. It's going on four years now. It's still hard, being without her, but sometimes I feel like she's with me, watching over me." He nodded lightly, lips pulling into a slight frown. "It's silly, I know, but, I think I can hear her whispering to me sometimes, telling me to stay strong, and that she's always with me."

"It's not silly at all," I stated, not able to stop myself from joining the conversation. "She is always with you. She always will be, until you join her."

Chris turned to me, his brows wrinkling in confusion.

"I didn't know you believed in stuff like that Taehyung."

I shrugged.

"Well, I do. Why wouldn't I?" I asked, a bit defensively.

Chris shook his head. "No reason. You just never mentioned it."

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