Nightmare and Trauma

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⚠️This gets dark⚠️

I was running. I didn't know where I was going or where I was but I knew I had to keep running if I wanted to survive. He was behind me. I couldn't see him but I could hear him. And every now and then I swear I could feel his hot breath on my neck and his fingers glide across my hip.

I ran as hard as I possibly could, the trees in the forest whizzing by me as I wove between them. I didn't dare stop or he would have me.

My lungs and my legs were screaming at me to stop but I couldn't. Not yet. Not until I was out of this forest and out of his reach.

Suddenly my worst nightmare came true. I tripped over a broken branch and down I went, tumbling for a few feet before I came to a stop. My ankle was throbbing and I knew I was done for. His footsteps were fast approaching and all I could do was wait. Wait and listen.

The dark, shadowy figure emerged from the trees and slowed his pace, stalking towards me like a wild animal that knew they had their prey cornered. I shrank back and closed my eyes, leaning back against the rough bark of the tree as he made his way closer.

I heard him stoop down and could sense him mere inches from me. He used one hand to caress my jaw and turned my head slightly before using his thumb to pull down my bottom lip. I couldn't help but let a few tears fall as he continued toying with me.

I knew what was to come but I never knew when it actually would. I finally opened my eyes to meet his dark, soulless ones and saw the grin plastered on his shadowy face. I was now crying freely and it just seemed to encourage him.

He trailed one long claw down my chest and gently pulled at the top of my shirt, but I knew that wasn't what he wanted. He was not a rapist. But a murderer. He just enjoyed inspecting his newest work of art. He planned to separate my limbs from my body and replace them with others, while putting my own limbs on one of his other creations.

Finally, it happened. He slowly lifted the hem of my shirt, never breaking eye contact with me, and slid the dagger in. I gasped as I immediately began choking on my own blood and he grinned even wider, licking the blood that was pouring out the side of my mouth. He twisted the knife in deeper and I made a choking sound, awaiting the end.

He ripped the dagger out, letting me bleed out slowly and painfully. My sight was slowly fading and soon I was no longer in the land of the living.

I quickly sat up in bed, sweat pouring off of me, and looked around wildly. I was in Malfoy Manor. It was Christmas break and I was safe at Malfoy Manor. I was tangled in my sheets on the floor, and my throat felt like I had been screaming. I just hoped I hadn't woken anyone up.

I backed up between my bed and the nightstand and pulled my knees to my chest, letting the tears flow freely as I replayed that awful night in my head over and over. I never even heard the door open or someone walk into the room.

"Y/n? Hey hey now love. What's going on?" I felt a hand gently rest on my knee and looked up into the worried eyes of Narcissa. I couldn't talk, just started crying again and covered my sobs with my hands as I put my head back between my knees.

"Hey, come here darling come here" she gently pulled me to her so that she had her back resting against the bed and I was sitting between her legs sobbing into her chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held on tightly, terrified she would leave. She continuously shushed me and rubbed my back, her grip around me tightening as my sobs increased.

"I'm here love and I'm not going anywhere. You're safe." My crying slowly ebbed away but the panic set in. I found myself beginning to hyperventilate and closed my eyes, trying to disappear into the woman I was currently wrapped around.

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