Christmas Fun

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⚠️Smut Warning⚠️

The next morning I was rudely woken up by ferret face launching himself at me. "Get up y/n! It's Christmas morning!" He tried to tickle me but the blankets were too thick for him to really get through.

"Yeah and it'll still be Christmas morning in a couple of hours. Why do you insist on acting like a toddler." I wasn't actually annoyed with him but he was so easy to mess with.

"Oh just get up already. Mum is making chocolate chip waffles." He whispered that last part in my ear knowing food could always get me moving.

"And I'm up." At the mention of waffles I was instantly awake and ready to go. I threw on socks to avoid the freezing cold floor and ran my fingers through my tangled hair as I followed Draco down the stairs. There was no point in getting ready yet, and it was more fun to open presents in your pajamas anyways.

We walked into the kitchen, Draco bouncing like a child and me yawning, to see Narcissa setting down plates in our usual spots. I sank my teeth into the warm, chocolate filled goodness and had to stifle a moan.

"I could survive off of chocolate chip pancakes." I mumbled around a mouthful of food. We ate quickly, ready to start unwrapping presents.

Draco and I sat down on the floor in front of the tree and Narcissa sat down next to me. We began doling out gifts to each other, eager to see what we received. My parents sent me a few books I had asked for and a new perch for Merlot's cage, Pansy sent me a new set of quills and ink, the friends I wasn't as close with sent me a bunch of candy and various small items.

We finally made it to each other's gifts and Draco went first, opening up the books I had gotten him and a new cloak from his mother. Narcissa went next, opening up a new spell book from Draco and the fancy quill I had gotten her. "Oh my goodness it's beautiful y/n! Wherever did you find it?" She was carefully rolling the quill around in her hands looking at the metal spiraling.

"A little shop in the back of Diagon Alley. The shopkeeper made everything by hand." She looked quite impressed. "That's incredible. Thank you dear. I will cherish it." She placed it back in the box to avoid getting it damaged and now it was my turn.

I opened Draco's gift first and was amazed. It was a beautiful silver bracelet that matched the ring he had given me previously. The silver serpent magically wound its way around my wrist, adjusting itself to fit just right before becoming immobile once again. "Draco I love it. Thank you so much." I grinned at him and quickly hugged him.

Now I had but one gift left. Narcissa's. It was in a small jewelry box and I opened it to reveal a gorgeous silver ring with some type of liquid swirling in its center. "It's called an Eoline ring. Draco has one as well. They are both connected to my own and will it heat up if either of you are in danger and vice versa. I had seen that you wear quite a lot of rings as Draco does and thought it would be a good way to make sure you are always safe."

I was incredibly touched. "Thank you so much Narcissa. I absolutely love it. And now I have a ring to represent another special person in my life." I whispered that last part so only she could hear. I thought I could see the slightest hint of a blush on her cheeks at that statement.

The wrapping paper we had scattered about began picking itself up off the ground and floating towards the trash can as we all began to take our gifts to our rooms in order to get them off the floor and finish cleaning up.

I finally got dressed in a Christmas sweater and leggings before heading back downstairs to find Draco giving me an evil grin. "Oh no. What do you want ferret face?" I side eyed him, afraid of where this was going.

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