Escape From Azkaban

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It was now the beginning of March. February had come and gone, school just as stressful as ever. Draco and I had gotten into the routine of visiting Narcissa every other weekend to see how she was doing.

It was a normal Wednesday night, everyone either studying or in detention since classes were done for the day. I was alone in the library, all of my friends in their respective common rooms doing their own thing.

I was falling a bit behind in potions and had decided to use the time to try and get my grades back up, lest Snape give me more shit than he already did.

Suddenly I noticed my right hand feeling a bit odd. It felt.. warm? I glanced down and realized it was the ring Cissy had given me. She needed me.

I wasn't exactly sure how to go about this but I knew I had to get to the manor ASAP. I quickly packed up my stuff, shrinking my bag and dropping it into the pocket on my robes before hastily walking out of the library trying my best not to look suspicious.

I walked as quickly and quietly as I could down to the main floor, sneaking out the front door and onto the grounds without running into any adults. I used the shadows to my advantage as I raced down to the front gates, slipping between the bars and booking it towards the forbidden forest before someone spotted me.

I was out of breath and panicking as my ring was still burning my skin, indicating that Narcissa was either in danger or needing me desperately in some way. "Shit." I paced in a circle gripping my hair in my fists as I contemplated exactly what I was doing.

I could be suspended or even expelled for this. Dumbledore surely had wards up telling him that someone had left the grounds. I had to act quick if I was going to act at all.

We had begun learning apparition a couple of weeks ago but I still hadn't mastered it. I could very well splinch myself and die wherever I ended up. But I didn't exactly have another option right now.

"Fuck my life." I let out a huff of air and focused all of my energy on the image of Malfoy Manor. I wanted to appear just outside the gates in case their were alarms I would set off by apparating directly onto the property.

I took a deep breath, accepted whatever happened happened, and spun on the spot. I felt myself get sucked through a tiny invisible tube and focused as hard as I could on getting there in one piece.

I landed face first on the pavement, my head spinning like mad. As soon as I could see straight I sat up and looked around, inspecting my body to see if I was missing anything vital.

"Hell yeah." I mumbled as I quickly got to my feet and started walking towards the gate. I spider crawled my way up the stone wall and launched myself over, landing none to gracefully on the other side.

I ran all the way up to the house, letting myself in and running around the large mansion looking for Narcissa. I didn't want to call out her name in case she was being held hostage or something. My mind was running wild with every possibility imaginable and I was beginning to really panic.

I stopped outside the door to the living room as I heard crying coming from within. I quietly walked in and looked around but only saw Narcissa sitting on the sofa with her head in her hands. She didn't know I was here yet but she appeared to be alone.

I silently walked over to her and sat down on the sofa, laying a hand on her back and startling her out of her breakdown. She stared at me wide eyed for a moment. "H.. how. Why are you here y/n? I mean I'm glad you are but.." She was stumbling over her words as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes.

I silenced her by cupping her cheeks in my hands and wiping them away for her, pulling her into my arms. She sank into me, allowing me to rub her back as she cried.

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