Exam Week

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'Alright y/n. We've got this. Transfig, let's go.'

I, along with a small portion of the seventh year class, was sitting in the modified Great Hall waiting on the test administrators to give the ok for us to start testing. I wasn't sure if I was ready for this or not but I no longer had much of a choice.

There were too many of us to test altogether and so there had been three classrooms, the Great Hall, and the library set up to rotate us around this week. The sixth years were doing the same thing in other parts of the school, and the younger students were able to test together in their classrooms as their exams were not nearly as prioritized.

"Alright students, you may flip your papers and begin the test.. now."

There were several people from the ministry here to watch over us rather than the professors to allow them to test and keep up with the other students. The woman that spoke to us waved her wand and a timer appeared above her head, giving us exactly an hour and a half to finish 100 multiple choice questions and a short essay.

Transfig was one of my better subjects, and I breezed right through the multiple choice section with no trouble. The essay was simply detailing and performing 5 spells of choice we had learned prior, and the witch grading me on my spell work seemed impressed with my abilities.

After the test concluded we had lunch in the Great Hall before starting in on Herbology.

I wasn't as skilled at this subject but professor Sprout was much more lenient and I had few struggles up until the essay portion of the test. I had to kind of bs my way through it, but overall I think I did well.

By the end of the day I was exhausted and all I had done was take two tests. At least I had gotten one of the ones I was dreading out of the way and could relax with my girlfriend for the night.

As soon as I got back into our room I shut the door and leaned my tired body up against the mahogany wood, rubbing my hands over my face to release the tension residing in my temples.

I jumped slightly when all of a sudden there were hands on my waist, wrapping around my body and pulling me into a warm body. I relaxed into the feeling, allowing my head to fall on her chest and take in the sweet scent of her perfume. A soft kiss was placed on my forehead and she allowed me to stay in that position for as long as I wished, showing she was there for me without any words spoken between us.

I finally pulled back and gave my girlfriend a tired smile, one which she returned with an equally sad look in her eye.

"Come on love. Dinner will be here in just a few minutes and then we can cuddle up together in bed. How does that sound?" Her voice was quiet and soothing, one hand pushing stray hairs back behind my ear before caressing my cheek in a loving gesture.

I nodded and followed Narcissa towards the kitchen, taking my usual place at the table across from her and making small talk until the food magically appeared in front of us. We could go to the Great Hall now if we wished, the both of us just simply preferring each other's company without the interruptions of gossiping teenagers.

We finished up quickly, splitting a bowl of chocolate ice cream as a treat, and retired to the bedroom for the night. She knew I wasn't up for anything spicy tonight and laid down first, opening her arms for me to fall into.

I rested my head on her chest, listening to the rhythmic beat of her heart as she played with my hair, gently untangling the strands stuck together. Kisses were placed atop my head occasionally, and soon I was drifting in and out of sleep.

"Stop fighting it my love. Get some sleep" her words allowed me to finally give in to my body's desires and I drifted off into a dreamless slumber.


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