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The nightmares that had been curbed by my lover's presence came back with a vengeance the entirety of the following week. Except this time it wasn't images of the monster that tried to kill me, rather my own parents saying and doing unspeakable things to me.

They were always vaguely similar. One or both of my parents would be yelling homophobic slurs at me or even cursing me as the other watched, laughing at their own daughter's pain.

The night before was the absolute worst:

My vision blurred with the tears steadily flowing down my face and continuing to pool in my eyes. The tape over my mouth pulled at my skin and restricted my breathing as the ropes binding my ankles and wrists burned the skin and left raw, red marks that bloodied my bindings.

Through my watery eyes I could see Narcissa laying in the middle of the room, screaming in agony as my mother crucioed her and my father kept watch over me to make sure I kept my eyes open to witness the slow, torturous death of my soulmate.

Her cries broke my heart and I shouted for her through the tape keeping me silent. "Y/n! Y/n please help me. I need you please. Make them stop y/n it hurts so much!"

Her pleading kept being cut off by more screams of pure pain as my mother cast the curse again and again, the life leaving my lover's eyes a little more each time.

My throat was becoming raw from my screaming and I hated that I couldn't do anything to stop this. My mother's sadistic grin and Narcissa's lifeless body lying underneath her were the last things I remembered.

I woke up panting and shaking, tears streaming down my face as I turned to see Narcissa safe and sound in bed beside me. I gathered my bearings and gave my breathing time to slow itself while watching my beautiful girlfriend's own slow, soft breathing as she slept.

Once I felt as if I could possibly fall asleep once more I curled myself up against Narcissa's chest, nuzzling my face into her neck and sniffling softly as I felt the tears building in my throat again.

I whimpered quietly, trying to stay silent so as not to wake the other witch. She had woken up with me every night this week and I knew she was absolutely exhausted. I felt horrible about doing this to her but I couldn't help it. I was just so damn scared for Saturday night.

I guess I wasn't as quiet as I thought because suddenly an arm wrapped around my body and pulled me closer, kisses being peppered all over my tear soaked face.

"Shhh I'm here baby. I'm right here. It's alright." Every time I whimpered she would shush me and place a few more kisses on my face. One hand held me as close to her body as possible while I held onto the other one in between us as a security blanket.

"Everything is ok sweetheart. I'm safe. You're safe. It was just a bad dream. You're sleepy, try and get some more rest." I nodded into her chest, eyebrows furrowing as I tried my best to force my feelings down and go back to sleep so that she could as well.

Eventually I did, warm and safe in Cissy's embrace. My favorite place to be.


We woke up late the next morning, around 10am. We had no real plans until the ceremony this afternoon and could finally get the sleep we both desperately needed.

I woke first, rolling over onto my back and trying to blink the sleep from my eyes while glancing at the time with a sigh. I wanted nothing more than to just roll over and go back to sleep but I knew I'd never be able to this late in the morning.

I gazed over to Narcissa and smiled softly, enjoying the view before me. My fingers grazed over her porcelain skin, pushing a bit of stray hair behind her ear in order to be able to see more of her gorgeous face.

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