Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"May I come in sir?"

"Come in Natasha."

Natasha enters an exquisite cabin. The flooring of the cabin is white Italian marble. The wall of the cabin has a hue of gold on it. One wall has glass panes that give a perfect view of the nature park. The park has hundreds of flowering plant species. The wall behind the desk has a large oil painted autumn scenery frame.

"What is it Natasha?"

"Sir, the land we were acquiring for the upcoming mall is a disputed property."

"How did this happen? Mr. Khanna was responsible for investigating the property properly before starting this project."said the man furiously.

"Sir Mr. Khanna is on leave and his assistant had resigned last month."

"You may leave Natasha."

"Yes sir."

Natasha turned to leave the cabin when the man interrupted her.

"And Natasha I'll handle this personally."

"Ok sir."said Natasha and left the cabin.

The man rubbed his forehead and took out a pill from the left drawer of his desk and gulped it with a glass of water. He stood up from his chair and went near his cabinet to find the file of the recent mishap when the office door was opened with a bang. A man enters a cabin in a three piece suit.

" What the hell Mr. Zubair Khan! Why didn't you attend the party last night?"said the man in a three piece suit.

"Can you be any more dramatic Amir?" said Zubair irritatedly.

"What happened bro? Why are you so irritated in the morning?" said Amir.

"Nothing. The land we acquired for the mall is a disputed property."

Zubair walked behind his work desk and sat on his chair.

Amir asked, "What are you going to do now?"

"I think something fishy is going on with this project. Everything was going smoothly and out of nowhere this land had become disputed property and the man in charge for the investigation is on leave and his assistant resigned last month.I am thinking of handling this project personally until all the problem is solved."

"I am sure you can handle this matter easily."

"Yes. This is not a big problem but the main problem is the shareholders. You do know that they are against expansion in different fields. They think that we should just stick to the construction only."

"Ok, leave all this business talk. Well some little birdie told me that you agreed to marry someone." said Amir teasingly.

"Well yes, last month mom went to some wedding party and since then she has been nagging me to get married. So yesterday, after dinner I said 'yes'."


"And tonight we are going to see her at some restaurant which apparently is owned by her friend."


"What and? That's the end of the story."

Amir raised his brow and said, " so you don't know the name of the girl? Or how does she look?"

"Ummm....I think her name is Alia Qureshi yah Alia Qureshi."

" WHAT Alia Qureshi? I mean Alia Qureshi the heiress of Qureshi Textile Pvt. Ltd."

" Maybe or maybe not..." said confused Zubair.

Just then Zubair's cell phone buzzed. He picked up the phone and unlocked it to see the msg her mom had sent him.

"Who is it?"said Amir curiously, leaning over the table to look at the phone.

Zubair replied absentmindedly, "Mom sent some photographs".

"What aunty?" Amir said excitedly and snatched the phone from Zubair's hand to look at the pictures which aunt Nahid had sent him.

"I knew it." said smiling Amir as if he won a billion dollar project.
"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" said an irritated Zubair.

"Hey! Do you remember the nerd from our high school who used to be a health freak but still was the chubbiest girl in our class? And we used to tease her..." said Amir feeling nostalgic.

"Not we but you guys.."

"Yah yah I know you were the perfect gentleman from your childhood. Achcha (ok) leave all this so you remembered her?"

"What's the point Amirrr..." said Zubair emphasising on the letter R.

Amir stood up and moved a few steps back so that Zubair could see him properly. Amir mocked bowed and said " Tan tan naaaa now I presents you the recent picture of the chubbiest girl of our class Ms. Alia Qureshi."

Amir showed Zubair the picture of her. Zubair took his phone back from him and looked at her intensely.

"Beautiful. She had shed all her baby fats rather nicely."

"Yup. She is now one of the most famous fashion designers. Her work has been worn by Bollywood and Hollywood actors and actresses. Recently she went to Milan for a fashion show and made quite a name for herself in a short period of time."

"How do you know so much about her?"

"Do you remember the dress my sister wore on her wedding day?"

"Of course I remembered, she was the prettiest bride."

"Well Alia had designed her bridal dress and since then my sisters have become her fan. They can't stop gushing about her. In the dining or any get together we have at least for once her name will be taken. As if it is a must to talk about her or else the party is incomplete. So if you want to know anything about her feel free to ask me. I will not charge you anything."

"Sure," said Zubair sarcastically.

Zubair asked Amir "Do you want to tag along with us."

"Nah! Enjoy your time brother. And most importantly I am too handsome" said Amir jokingly.

Amir smirked and raised his collar and looked at Zubair.

Zubair's phone rings. He picked up his phone and received the call.

"Hello Mr. Mehra."

"Yes, I got your invitations."

"Sure, I'll attend. Congratulations on your wedding."

"Have a nice day." said Zubair and cut the call.

Zubair opened his collar button and loosened his tie. He laid back on his chair.

Amir looked at his watch and said 'Au Revoir' to his friend. He left from there.

Zubair closed his eyes and sighed.

He opened his eyes and looked at the phone which was ringing again. He received the call and said, " Assalamoalaikum Mom."

"I'm in the office."

"Ok, I'll come in an hour."

"Ok mom and Allah Hafiz."

He stood up and picked up his coat from the back of his chair. He walked up to the door and switched off the lights and got out. He locked his cabin and looked at his secretary and gestured to him that he can also leave.

He walked up to his personal elevator and went inside. He clicked the basement button where his car is parked.

He left his office in his matte black sleek Lamborghini Aventador. He is a car fanatic. He owns everything from 24K Gold Extreme Mountain Bike bicycles to The History Supreme II yachts. He also owns Airbus A381.

Author's Note

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