Chapter 2

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Hey guys! How are you??? So welcome back to the world of imagination.....

Sharmeen's P.O.V

We entered the venue. Uncle and aunt were at the entrance to greet the guest. Waitresses were wearing traditional salwar kameez and pasha and had refreshments on the tray.


(Dress of waitresses)

"Assalamoalaikum" we greeted them as soon as we got nearer to them. Uncle replied and gave a side hug to me.
"Mashallah you're looking gorgeous" my aunt complimented me.
I awkwardly responded to her with a smile. I don't know but whenever apart from my family anyone compliments me I become dumbstruck and don't know how to handle it.
"Please come..." said my aunt.
We followed her to the stage where the bride was sitting.


She was looking beautiful. It's true a girl looks best on her wedding day. The blush that decorates her cheeks and the glow is incomparable to anything in the world.
"Sana beta (endearment) look, your aunt is here."
Sana looked up and smiled brightly at us. We hugged her.
"Someone is glowing!" I said teasingly while hugging her tightly.
"Everyone has their day. I'll see how you will be on your wedding day..." she replied back teasingly.
After giving her gifts we went down to sit. My mum went to my aunt, living me alone.
I looked up and saw a waiter holding a tray of juices. I took one and muttered "Thank you"
I like to appreciate people for their work. I think it helps to encourage them. I was engrossed in playing sword of romance on my phone when I heard,
I looked up and saw a lady in late forties smiling down at me. I stood up in respect although I didn't recognise her and said my salaam.
"So are you from the bride's side?"
I looked at her confusingly but replied, " yes, Sana di is my cousin."
"How old are you...?"
Guys it's wrong to ask a lady her age I thought. But still I replied politely, "Um... 24"
The lady stared at me for a while looking lost in her thoughts and suddenly smiled. And that smile reeked trouble for me....I know that for sure this is not the first time I have seen this smile....
"Please leave me!"
"Baby please! don't be scared.... I Love You.. you know na..."
"No no no....this is wrong you don't love me...this is aah...please leave my hair!"
"Baby don't insult my love" he said, controlling his anger.
"Please leave's hurting" I begged him.
"Ah huh...not until you say I love you" he said emphasising each syllable of the sentence.
That was the last thing I heard before blackness succumbed to me.
"Beta (endearment) are you fine?" The lady asked, interrupting my thoughts.
"Yes aunty" I replied and smiled weakly.
She didn't look convinced by my vague answer but didn't press any further. I felt relieved because I don't like to remember and relive it. I had suffered too much and that upsets my family. I had promised myself that I'll live for my family. They're the reason that I'm alive today sitting here and sort of enjoying the bright smile on my parents face.
Fast forward we had our dinner with the bride and groom since we're pretty close in relation. The wedding foods are amazing 😉

(Buffet of Indian foods)


(Different types of rolls and fries)

(Chicken fry)

(Different types of kebabs)

(Appetizer and desserts)

(Different types of foods)

After dinner we said our salam to each other and started wrapping up the party.

We finally reached our home. I went straight to my room.
" Ya Allah I'm exhausted!" I muttered and changed into my comfy night dress. Cotton is the best material for summer.
I made my bed and was about to sleep when eyes landed on the alarm clock....
"Oh God! It's 2:30 a.m in the morning" I groaned.
Tomorrow, well today technically after 12 a.m next day starts. I have to wake up early and buy stocks for the restaurant.
I laid on my bed and read ayat ul kursi thrice and (sleeping) supplication before going into deep abyss of darkness.
"WAKE UP IN THE MORNING..." (by Kesha)
Blasted on my phone...yeah that's my wake up alarm.
I left my bed and went straight to my bathroom and did my business and went to pray fazr prayer. And got ready for my heck of hectic day....geez I sound so dramatic but that's so true also!
So fast forward I'm now at the local market at 5 o'clock so I can buy the best and fresh stock for my restaurant. I like to keep everything fresh and hygienic so people can trust. Trust is the first step to build an empire of anything whether it's personal relationship or professional. Our restaurant serves authentic Italian and Korean foods as well as other continental foods!

Hey guys be a dear and do vote my  chapter!!!
Love you and bless you.....

I hope you a had a great time reading it....
Guys aage aage dekho hota hai kya 😎😎😎

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