Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sharmeen's POV

Life is beautiful! Don't you think? It has so many shades of colour.....

Of course my life also has its own share of ups and downs.

Sitting in my apartment's veranda having morning coffee in tranquillity has its own perks. This is the time where I can let my mind wander from past to future of my life....with soothing voice of cuckoo...whispering wind trying to attract attention but failing miserably because our life is so busy that we often ignore the tranquillity of nature.....watching the view from the tenth floor is serene. 

"Sharmeen, what are you doing?" asked my sister Tasneem groggily.

"Nothing, just having a cup of coffee in this beautiful weather. Why are you up early in the morning?"

"Company has made a new rule. From now onwards every employee have to reach office sharp at 8 o'clock and then they can go to branch or to meet client."



So just now you met my elder sister Tasneem. She is an amazing sister one can have. I always thank Allah for giving me such a beautiful family. She is a hard-working lady. Although she never shows her emotions, I can count on her at the lowest phase of my life. I'm blessed to have an elder sister in my life, Alhamdulillah. We're polar apart...people say that younger sisters are always mischievous but here it's opposite. She is more lively than me....There were times when I asked myself why I'm on this earth but Alhamdulillah I got the answer. Today I own a restaurant of mine and can help as much as I can to this dunya as well as my deen. Yes I've kept one table for needy people who can't afford to have much in their lives. Time is rushing on it's own pace but I'm happy with my life...

"Shammo" my mom yelled my name from the kitchen, breaking my thoughts. She loves calling me fact every dear one calls me Shammo.

"Yes mommy, coming..."

I left the veranda, went to the kitchen and hugged my mom from the back. 

"I've made your grilled cheese sandwich"

"Thank you mummy"

"Achcha at what time you're going to your restaurant?"

"At 8 o'clock", I said questionably.

" Just remember today we have to attend Sana's wedding."

"Oh mamma!" I whined.

"You know na that I hate attending wedding ceremonies so please take my dear sister with you. Please, please please...." I said joining my hand.

"Mummy I'll be late today....we've an office party tonight...I'll be having dinner at the office only" yelled  my sister from her room.

"Now you don't have a choice but to come at sharp 6 o'clock in the evening at that's final," said my mom with finality. And ladies and gentlemen let me tell you one thing when my mum uses that tone then you're fighting a losing battle....

"Ok mamma" I said grudgingly.

I went to my room and started to get ready for my work. I took a red top and black jeans and a long shrug. Well I'm the owner who cares what others think...I hate wearing formals. I got ready for my work. It's 7:10 a.m and I still have 20 minutes for myself. So I checked my social accounts. I scrolled Alvira's vlog...she has an interesting way to depict simple things in life. I'm a regular reader...I like the way she expresses small things in such a beautiful way.

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