Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Hello guys....

After a long time, welcome back to the world of imaginations...


I left my bed and went straight to my bathroom and did my business and went to pray fazr prayer. And got ready for my heck of hectic day....geez I sound so dramatic but that's so true also!

So fast forward I'm now at the local market at 5 o'clock so I can buy the best and fresh stock for my restaurant. I like to keep everything fresh and hygienic so people can trust. Trust is the first step to build an empire of anything whether it's personal relationship or professional. Our restaurant serves authentic Italian and Korean foods as well as other continental foods! 

Sharmeen's POV

I was working in my office checking the balance sheet of this month when someone knocked on my door...

"Come in."

Raj came who is one of my employees.

"What happened Raj?" I asked.

" Ma'am there is a problem with one of the customers."

"He is asking for the manager but he is on leave and Assist. Manager can't handle him."

"Don't worry I will handle it myself."

"Thank you ma'am." replied Raj feeling relieved.

I just smiled reassuringly and went outside to see the situation myself. People are gathered around him and I have to stop my urge to chuckle. People always have to create small problems larger than life...

"Excuse me" I exclaimed and made my way to the scene.

The person was shouting at the waiter with colourful words.

"Excuse me sir. May I know the problem?"

The person turned around and started shouting at me.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the owner of this restaurant."

"Good, you came. Is this how you serve your customer? Wrong food and if they correct you then your employee will pour a drink on them?"

"Sir please calm down."

"Raj, can you explain what happened here?"

The man interrupted, "Why are you asking him? Don't you think my words are enough to fire him straight away?"

"Sorry sir, but in a situation like this I would like to listen to both parties then make my decision."

He gaped at me fuming and mumbling incoherently. I just ignored him and listened to my worker.

"Ma'am he ordered sunny side up poached egg with ciabatta. When I brought his order, he shouted at me saying that he wanted brown bread. And when he lifted his hand it struck the tray and the orange juice fell on him. I swear ma'am I'm innocent."

" Don't worry if you're innocent then you'll not be fired but if you did wrong then your career will end here" I said sternly.

I looked at the man and then to the waiter and said, "Please come to my office."

I asked two people from the audience to come over.

We went to my office. I went to my seat and clicked open my computer. I rewind the video where the waiter asked the man for his order. I asked both of them to come and see the video.


The waiter went near the man and asked him for the order. After writing down the waiter checked with him and went away. After a few minutes the waiter brought the food and served the man and went away. The man was looking at the scenery from the glass window. The waiter once again came with drinks and said something to the man. The man looked at his food and then again at the waiter and started shouting. The man abruptly stands and the juice falls on his shirt. The waiter gasps and takes a step forward when the man slapped the waiter and everyone's attention was on them.

I closed my computer and asked them to come outside. We went outside where people were still standing for the climax.

"So after watching the footage it is clearly seen that the man was absent-minded while ordering and he didn't look at his food until my employee came and reminded him. When the man stood abruptly he knocked down the tray and the juice spilled over him. So it is clear that my employee is not at the fault. And above all this the man slapped my employee and created havoc in my restaurant." I said aloud and clearly. 

I turned to Raj and asked him, "Can you please ask security to come and guard this young man so he doesn't leave this place."

"Yes ma'am" he said and went to bring security guards. 

I went to my office and called the police station.

After half an hour police came to arrest the man for public violence and abusing my employee.

Nowadays, people think that just because they have money they can do anything. Life and dignity of less fortunate people doesn't make sense to them.

I left the place to continue with my work.

I have to work late night as some foreign food critics will come to our restaurant in a week. If they gave good reviews on our restaurant then we might get a boost on our daily customers and we might tap into foreign market.

Later that night, I reached our apartment. Opening the door of our flat I went inside. Night lamp was on indicating everyone was asleep. I quickly reached my room and freshened up. After drinking some water I went into the kitchen to see what was there for dinner. I opened the lid of the pan and saw some butter paneer (cottage cheese) there. I quickly heated it and took out some naan (Indian flatbread) from the casserole.

Hi everyone!
I hope you had a nice time reading it.  😗😗😗

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