Chapter 5

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"Sharmeen Sharmeen Sharmeen Sharmeen….." said an over excited girl rushing into Sharmeen's cabin.

Sharmeen looks at the girl entering the cabin.

" What happened? Why are you shouting at the top of your voice?"

"Zubair is going to come here" said Alia in between her short breath.

Alia was smiling like a fool. Her eyes were twinkling and there was a pink hue on her face.

"Who is he?" asked Sharmeen.

Alia has a shy smile replies, "He is someone I would like to spend my whole life and grow old with."

"Ohh……" said Sharmeen who has a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

She got up from her chair and went towards Alia and gives her a big bear hug.

"I am so happy for you, Alia." 

"I am also so happy for myself, Sharmeen. You don't have any idea. I saw him once in London where I was preparing for my fashion show. He is so suave and dreamy. When he walked towards me it was like my prince charming in a white suit walking towards me with a playful smile and love for me in his eyes." said Alia with a giggle and dreamy eyes.

"Oh my Anarkali! Please stop."

"They are going to come here to see me. I would like to reserve an eight seater for tonight."

"Ok. I'll close my restaurant for tonight."

"Thanks Sharmeen, I owe you one."

In the Happiness Kitchen

Sharmeen clapped her hand to get everyone's attention. All the chefs stand in a straight line with their hands at the back.

"Everyone, I would like you all to do your best today. Someone is going to come here to see my friend Alia. I would like you all to make cucumber rolls, deviled egg with avocado cream and prosciutto, crostini, scalloped potato rolls, creamy garlic and tomato soup for appetizers. Creamy garlic chicken, chicken florentine, chicken francaise, chicken stroganoff with herbed rice, cordon bleu, dragon chicken, adana kebab, galawati kebab, chicken lababdar, bukhari rice, shakshuka, chicken kabsa, murgh musallam and biryani for dinner. Mini croquembouche, mille feuille, french Madeleine, mousse entremet, ferrero fantasia dessert, chocolate yule log cake, chocolate eclairs and lamington for the desserts. I will make phirni. Thank you everyone. You may all leave." 

"Yes chef", everyone said in chorus.

Everyone started preparing for "the special event".

Sharmeen asked her asst. chef to cut dry fruits and grate coconut. She started preparing jaggery and coconut flavored phirni.

At 7:30 p.m.

There was a rush in the kitchen to dish out appetizers for the guests who will be there in any minute.

Sharmeen walks out of the kitchen to change her dress and check last minute arrangements. She took a bath and changed her dress to welcome the guests.

She walked out of her cabin and went near the entrance to stand there. A car stopped near the gate and Alia came out with her family. Sharmeen went to them and hugged them. 


"Walaikum assalam"

"You are looking pretty Alia" said Sharmeen.

Alia's face brightens like a moon in a dark night.

"Let's go inside uncle and aunt."

"Yes. Yes" said Uncle, ushering his wife towards the restaurant.

They entered the restaurant and went towards the seating area where Sharmeen has especially decorated the tables for esteemed guests. The lights were dimmed and pastel colored flowers were kept in a crystal holder on the center of the table. The scented candles were lit to make a pleasant ambience for the family.

Sharmeen asked one of the waiters to send the drinks for refreshments.

Sharmeen personally picked up each glass from the tray and passed it to everyone.

"Ah! Everytime I drink this lemonade I feel refreshed. Sharmeen Beta tell me the ingredients you used to make it" said Alia's mom, Mrs. Haniya Qureshi.

"Yes Sharmeen, you have to tell us today. Do you remember mom when we used to go to her house after our classes in summer? At that time also her mom used to serve this particular drink and like a magic we used to feel charged and refreshed" recalls Alia.

"And yah once you were so excited to drink that you didn't even enter the house and started shouting for the drink saying you are dead and you need mom's special reviving drink and ….." said giggling Sharmeen.

"Oh damn! You still remember that incident. Mom, it was not my fault. How could I possibly know that the uncle's client was there with his family and they were having lunch and on top of that his son was sitting on the sofa while his parents were still sitting in the dining area. How could I know? " huffed Alia.

"Yah! It was poor boy's fault that he was sitting on the sofa and you casually threw your heavy bag on his head." mocked, giggling Sharmeen.

Alia glared at her. Everyone was laughing at their childish banter.

After a couple of minutes the sound of the cars were heard. Everyone stood up to receive the guests. Sharmeen quickly went inside the kitchen to ask the chefs to dish out the appetizers and refreshments for the guests. The waiters picked up the trays and went to stand behind the tables so they could serve the drinks as soon as the guests were seated without any delay.

Sharmeen came out of the kitchen after giving the instructions. As she turns towards the sitting area she bumps into him.

"I am so sorry!" she said looking at her phone which she dropped because of the collision.

"Do you have any problem at the back of your brain?" asked Zubair.

"What?" she said while picking up the phone.

Zubair repeats himself, "Do you have any problem at the back of your brain, more specifically cerebellum which helps you to stand and walk."

She looks at him and recalls he is the same guy who had collided with her outside at the car parking.

She points her finger angrily at him, "you!"

"I remember you. You are the same rude, arrogant and illiterate person who doesn't have an ounce of politeness or gentleness in you.You are a piece of sh.."

"Don't you dare to finish that word or else I'll show what real rudeness means."

"Oh really! What can you do other than mishandling?" 

She turns her head and look at the vase filled with water. She stretches her hand and pulled the flower out of it.

And she threw water on his face.

"You should cool down a bit."

She left from there leaving flabbergasted Zubair.

"I hate her" he exclaimed under his breath.

He power walked to her and pulled her pallu to wipe his face and and hands.

He leans down to bring his face near her ear. His breath mingles with her sensory organ making her shiver. She blanks out for a few moment.

"You'll have pay for this."

He walks pass her leaving her in a standstill position.

"Ahhhhh…." She screams in frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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