Chapter 17

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I led Ranboo back into the main cell area. He seemed very determined to speak with Dream. He stood on the platform as the lava fell to reveal the obsidian cube hanging in the center of the large room. Thick black chains kept the large box suspended high above the lava pit. The small figure of Dream stood nestled in the small space, his orange jumpsuit a bright contrast to the dark stone. The platform began to move forward until it had crossed about half the gap.

(Ranboo POV)

Dream stood leaning against the netherite barrier, his arms hanging through the bars. His mask covered his face, hiding any and all emotion. I stood on the small platform, suspended in the center of the large gap. The question stood in my mind, but I couldn't make the sounds leave my mouth. The mask sat delicately on his face, the onyx paint only slightly scratched and edges barely chipped. He drew his arms back through the bars and stood looking at me. The platform hit an abrupt stop and I stepped from the stone bricks onto the obsidian blocks.

The small platform retracted back to the other side and the lava fell. A small click sounded and the bars slid into the ceiling followed by the blocks dropping into the floor. Nothing was separating us. I was standing less than six feet from the man who tried to kill me with no motive and no given reasoning.


The question left my lips. He stood for a moment before taking a step forward. I put one arm up defensively, lashing my tail. He sighed. We stood in silence before he began to speak.

"You, don't remember anything about...yourself" he started

"W-what's that supposed to mean?"

", if that's a good word for it. Your mom, your dad, your...siblings."

"Siblings? As far as I know there haven't been any others like me,"

Dream sighed again, placing one hand on the back of his neck and facing the opposite wall for a moment before turning back and continuing.

"What if I told you that you had siblings? What would you do?"

"I-i don't know, I'd probably want to meet them. But I don't have any brothers or sisters, I think I would know if I did..."

Dream went silent as I began to ramble. I slowly stopped talking and we stood in silence. A few minutes passed and the intercom crackled to life.

'Okay, ranboo time for you to come back from the high-security cell. Dream, back wall. Ranboo, just make sure you're on the outside of the barrier. It should raise soon. Once the lava falls I'll send the bridge back over and you can be on your way'

I stood watching Dream for a moment before turning and stepping back past the barrier.

474 words<3

a/n: haha cliffhanger. i'm gonna put a part after this that's like the final authors note and explaining/ laying out my plans for the future, so yeah!

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