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The source of the screams shaking up the building was Shadow Walker. 

Red X had been right in his assumption of the charge from the Escrima sticks being the only weapon that could disarm the creature.

He had harnessed the charge from the building and inflicted it on the creature before the tendrils could suck the life out of him and make Shadow Walker stronger. Electric blue zapped at pure black and the screams that broke out were deafening.

Red X went blow after blow at the sinister creature, making the screams turn louder and intolerable. The charge seemed to have a piercing effect on Shadow Walker's darkness, making him obliterate.

However, he had to retrieve the sticks when a sword dug into his side and he spun around coming face to face with Deathstroke. The mercenary went for a fatal hit but Red X dodged, charging the sticks once again at Shadow Walker and throwing his obliterating self in Deathstroke's direction.

A plethora of sparks erupted from the obliterating darkness and though Slade tried to back off, the charged tendrils took him in the midst, electrocuting him as well. The metallic armor he wore did not fare well to the electrocution and the entire building short circuited as sparks flew everywhere.

Red X ducked for cover, rolling out of the way of the charged entities and made his way for the basement, knowing he had to get Rose and Luke out before the entire building exploded. He could hear the distinct sound of swords clashing as he edged closer, his eyes scanning the entire area cautiously.

Light and dark struck the premises alternately as a result of the disturbance in the electric system and there were certain flashes of electric blue light striking up the area making him see clearly before darkness took over again.

Following the sound of the sword clashes, he ended up in a tunnel that led to the basement and saw Rose and Luke. He couldn't understand why Luke was attacking her but by witnessing the two, it was evident that something had messed up with Luke's head.

Either he couldn't recognize his sister or he was being controlled by some other entity altogether. Whatever the reason, it was clear that Luke was not going to be cooperative towards them.

Rose was not attacking him, defending herself from the blows and blocking his strikes but kept herself from striking him instead. "Lucas, stop it," her voice was laced with panic, entreating him to stop, "you have to fight back against the serum, don't let it corrupt you."

At that remark, Tim understood what serum she was referring to and came to her help. His Escrima sticks blocked his attack towards Rose and Luke turned to face him instead, the blank hazel eyes connecting with his concealed blue.

"X, don't hurt him!" Rose warned, "he's not in his senses. Try to disarm him but do not hurt him."

"Will have to stop him before he hurts either of us."

"No!" She came in between the two, shielding Luke but the sword collided with her suit, unable to pierce through due to the protective armor lining it. 

Instead, Red X seized the opportunity and struck at him, making the sword fall from his hands with a clatter.

Rose was quick to retrieve it but her eye was focused on her brother, her hands closing on to his wrists as she pinned him against the wall, silver piercing through dimming hazel. "Lucas, look at me! Don't you recognize me? Do you not remember your sister?"

He did not struggle against her, but his eyes that were out of focus earlier locked on her, expression unreadable as his lips parted to say something but no words came out.

He was burning hot with fever, she could feel the serum poisoning him from the insides and she knew that they could do nothing to stop what was going to happen. The past was going to repeat, what had happened ten years ago in similar circumstances was going to happen all over again.

And it was all due to Deathstroke's inability to see that the serum affected Luke much differently than it did to him and Rose. The serum did not give Luke any powers the first time it was tried on him either, in fact he had developed a resistance towards it and it had only resulted in making him extremely unstable.

Ten years ago due to the same serum, Lucas had lashed out on all of them, almost killing Slade and Rose in his attempts of fighting back the serum's effects. Slade had suffered much worse than Rose and if it hadn't been for her coming in between the two, Luke's instability might have been the cause to Deathstroke's end.

"What's going on?" Red X demanded, "either we make it out of here or your father will come back to get rid of us."

Rose realized at that instant that Red X was there with her but there was no sign of Deathstroke nor Shadow Walker. "What did you do...?"

"I think I killed Shadow Walker," he mumbled, "and electrocuted Deathstroke. But it won't keep him away for long."

Surprise flickered on her features but her attention was diverted when Luke spoke up, "Rose..."

She softened her grip on his wrists, seeing that he was not going to retaliate, but didn't let him go just yet, "you're going to be fine, trust me."

"It hurts... Everything hurts..."

He fell forward unable to stand on his feet any longer and she supported his weakening figure. Turning towards Red X, she spoke up, "we have to leave."

He nodded in affirmation and knew that the building would explode any moment due to the charge coursing through it. He helped her carry Luke to the exit but before they could escape, fire broke out in the building as a result of the short circuiting.

Out of the orange flames, a staggering figure evolved, armor cracked, hazel eye burning in rage and his hand closed on to Red X's throat, pulling him back.

Rose spun around in alarm but couldn't do anything to stop Deathstroke from dragging Red X away because Luke's unconscious form was weighing her down already. 

"Leave!" Red X yelled at her, noticing that she had halted, "take him and go!"

He was fighting against Deathstroke's hold but the flames enveloped the two, making Rose unable to see.


There was no response, only clashing sounds broke the silence instead. Scorching heat began to close in on her and Luke as well so she had to take a decision quickly. 

She didn't want to leave Red X all by himself because after all, the boy had helped him retrieve her brother. But if she went after him, there was no chance of her and Luke making it out alive either.

"Rose, take him and go!" 

And even though dread filled her up knowing that there was no way Red X could make it out alive either if she left him there but there was no other option. 

Lifting Luke up, she dragged him towards the exit. They had just stepped out when a thundering crash shook the area and the whole building went out in a deadly explosion.


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