I Am Very Sorry

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Damon and Stefan have left for the war and I must say that I miss them immensely! Damon and I's relationship had gotten so much better throughout time... Until he left for the war. Now, he is gone and all I have are letters.

Dear Damon,
I must say I miss you so, there are no words to describe how much! I know you are out serving us well but I can not help but wish you were not gone & never have left. Is this selfish of me? If so, I do not mind, there is nothing I can do anyway. Stefan and you are the only friends I have and now I have nobody. I hope the both of you are doing well & hope to get a letter from both of you as soon as you get this! Just know I miss you both so much & I can not wait to see the both of you again!


Pretty soon after that, I got a letter from both of them telling me they were ok and how much they missed me as well. They said at the moment they were at a camp for awhile getting ready for their journey back.

In Stefan's letter, he had revealed that he secretly met a woman, and started to have a liking for her.

'... I have met a woman while at war, she was not supposed to be there, and I was supposed to shoot her. But I could not bring myself to do it so I told her to run as fast as she can to the nearest town. Lucy, she was beautiful! Curly brown hair, with brown eyes to match, and when she smiled in thanks, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! I did not, however, get a chance to find out her name...'

Stefan has always been a nice man, he deserves the best! He's easily taken advantage of because of his kindness!

~A Few Weeks Later~
Today is the day! Stefan and Damon are coming back home! To surprise them, I go and wait for them at the train station.

But, they never came out, so I go to one of the soldiers and asked, "Sorry to interrupt, but have you seen a Damon and Stefan Salvatore?" "I am very sorry but they were shot and killed rescuing someone" "W- who?" "Someone named Katherine, I believe" "Stefan's girl" "I am sorry for your loss" "Thank you" I said, nodding, tears streaming down my face.

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