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Time for another year of being a high school senior. Stupid Katherine! She may be my sister, but I hate her for what she did to me! Oh right, I never told you exactly what she did!

Well, the reason everything went black is because the bitch snapped my neck! Then, she fed me her blood, therefore, making me a vampire! So, you see why I hate her?! I think she's dead now, it's been so long since I've heard or seen from her. 

But, anyway, I rebrush my brown- blonde and get out of the car. As I start walking, I hear Katherine's voice. 'I don't think I can make it, Caroline and I have plans' My head snaps to where the voice came from and low and behold, sure enough, it was the one and only... Katherine.

Katherine with straight hair instead of curly but it was still Katherine; I have been trying to track her down for centuries! Only to find out that she has been here, at a high school in Virginia?! "Your so dead" I whisper, she's a vampire so she should have heard me. But, she showed no signs of it.

I'll deal with it later, I don't have time for it; I'm supposed to be doing what Damon wanted me to do. Start a new life, make new friends, and move on. So, that's what I'm gonna do... Or I'll try at least.

I walk into the high school and take my schedule out of my backpack. Usually, I don't like asking for help, but it'll be a good way to make friends I suppose. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt, but can you show me where A- Alaric-" "Alaric Saltzman?" He finished for me, knowing I was having some trouble saying the name.

"Yeah! Him! Can you show me where his room is?" "Yeah, come on" "Thank you" "I'm Tyler, by the way" "Lucy" "Here it is, nice to meet you, Lucy, hope to see you around" I smile and nod.

I sit down in one of the empty seats and saw Katherine and... Stefan?

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