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"Who do you think you are?! Suddenly showing up trying to play the nice guy after centuries huh Katherine?! ~ She, yet again, had straight hair. "Damon!" She shouted. "Lucy! That's not Katherine! I promise, believe me!" I just kept looking at her straight in the face. "Lucy" Damon said, putting his hand on my cheek. I could tell when I looked at his face it wasn't Katherine.

I handed Damon the stake, walking out the front door. "Lucy!" Damon called after me, vamp speeding in front of me, making me roll my eyes and cross my arms. "What do you want, Damon?" "I know what you think, but it's not true" "1. You only know because you read those letters when I told you not to! 2. I can see it in your eyes, Damon-" I whisper the last part quietly. "-that your in love with her, Stefan was right. Why would you after all these centuries?" Then, I got in my car and left.

'She attacked Elena, thinking she was Katherine again' 'Seriously?' 'Yep, she took off, I have no idea where she went' I remembered her telling me something yesterday.


"When I'm really upset or confused about something, I go to your guys' graves, it helps me with whatever it is I'm dealing with"

End of flashback

'I know where she is, I'll call you later' I say, hanging up. Sure enough, there she was on the ground I front of our graves. Thanks to my vampire hearing I heard everything she said to our graves.

"I thought you guys were dead, struggled to mourn for I don't know how long, for absolutely nothing! All the pain that I went through-" She stopped. "-was all for nothing! Now that I know your here it's... Amazing!" She cried. "But, Damon, you don't love me anymore, now your into Elena Gilbert! Your brothers girlfriend, Katherine's look-a-like, also my look-a-like! So, what does she have, that I Don't! What do you see in her-" She sobbed.

"-that I don't have?! Both of you?! What could I have possibly done wrong? This is probably the last visit, I am leaving soon to go to Maryland. Alone."

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