a true princess

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Prom night had officially arrived and El couldn't be more excited to finally experience something like this with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend! She still couldn't believe she had one of those, let alone that it was someone as amazing as Mike.

She had spent nearly the entire day getting herself ready for the night ahead. After all, this was going to be one of the best nights of her life. It was a night every girl was supposed to look forward to and she had to look perfect for it.

As she stared at her reflection in the mirror of Nancy's old room, she thought that this was surely as perfect as she could get. Her hair had been brushed and curled, to the best of her ability. She pulled it back into a loose ponytail, not wanting all that hair to get in the way. Her dress looked as beautiful as it was the day she tried it on, all its pink puffiness bringing a grin to her face every time she looked at it.

El let out an excited squeal, completely thrilled with what she saw in that mirror.

"El! You ready?" Mike hollered from downstairs, taking her attention away from her reflection.

It was finally time for him to see her dress. Finally!

"Yes! I'm coming down now!"

As she neared the top of the staircase, she spotted Mike. He looked so nice all dressed up, waiting there patiently for her. It would be a miracle if she didn't fall down the stairs on her way down.

"Oh wow." Mike spoke softly, his mouth practically hanging wide open in awe as she came into view.

A shy smile crossed her face, it growing wider once she reached him at the bottom of the stairs. "Do I look okay?"

"Okay? You look perfect, like a true princess." He replied in an instant, snatching her hand up and pressing a kiss to it. "You ready to go have some fun?"

Her nod couldn't have come any quicker. She had honestly never been more ready for anything in her entire life. 

Mike wanted this night to be a dream for El, so he was as perfect of a gentleman as he could be. He escorted her to his car, opened her door, helped her in and once he had gotten into the driver's seat, he slipped a corsage of pink roses onto her wrist.

Now, he was trying his very best not to wreck his car because he couldn't keep his eyes off her, as she adorably swooned over her corsage.

El's beautiful every day, but tonight she was even more so, and he really hadn't thought that was possible. She had definitely been right about that dress though, it was perfect and worth the wait to see.

By some miracle, they managed to make it to the school, where he was thankfully now free to stare at her as much as he wanted.

There would plenty of time for staring though. They had a dance to get to, so Mike rushed out of the car to get to her side and opened the door for her once more. 

"You excited?" He asked, taking her hand in his as he led them toward the gym.

"So excited!" El practically squealed, squeezing his hand a little tighter. "I can hear the music already!"

It didn't take them long to reach the entrance and join the crowd. El was in awe as they stepped into the fully decorated gymnasium. Mike was too, he'd never seen the dusty old place look so nice.

"Mike! El!" Dustin called out from a table nearby, waving them over. "Hey! You guys look great!" 

"Thanks, nice hair." Mike snorted, noticing that it was a lot bigger than usual. Steve Harrington must've gotten ahold of him.

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