i've got a dream

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Mike awoke with a sudden jolt, instantly feeling a rather excruciating pain shoot all throughout the back of his head. God, it felt like someone had plunged a knife right through to his skull.

Instinctively, he went to move his hand, intending on assessing whatever damage had been done to him, only his hand didn't move. That took his mind right off the prevailing pain, allowing him to realize where exactly he was.

He was in the room he had first seen when he fell through that window. Only now, he was sitting in a chair, more like tied to a chair, his arms and legs bound tightly in rope. There was also tape over his mouth, preventing him from calling out a single word.

Contrary to what he had believed when he first saw this place, someone else definitely lived here.

Now that he thought about it though, it seemed pretty lived in to him when he was getting a good look around the place before.

You know, before someone knocked him out.

He should've ran as soon as he noticed the glass half full with water sitting out on the coffee table or the dirty dishes that were stacked up in the kitchen sink, but no. He stayed, allowing the person whose home he broke into the perfect chance to retaliate.

It seemed that this person knew exactly what they were doing too, their rope tying skills being far too good for any average person. He was bound to that chair so tight it felt like it was part of his own body. He figured if they could do that, surely they could do much worse, which only made him want to get the hell out of there.

He made an attempt to move his limbs, hoping to loosen the ropes' hold on him, but they didn't budge even the slightest bit.

He tried again, this time with as much strength as his slender body could muster up, but it seemed nothing was going to work.

"Struggling will do you no good."

Mike froze as the voice suddenly called out from behind. It caught him by surprise, mostly because the voice belonged to a girl.

He definitely wasn't expecting the person responsible for his current predicament to be a girl. A man for sure, much bigger than him, one who could probably leave him with the pain he was feeling now, after just one measly punch.

A girl though? No way.

He couldn't see her yet, as she was still behind him, but he could hear her coming closer, her feet lightly pattering against the floor with each step she took.

Mike sat still, having no choice but to stare straight ahead until she came around and he was finally met with the sight of her.

The girl was short, incredibly short compared to him. She had fairly long brown hair, it looking as if it had just been brushed through, not a single hair out of place. Her golden eyes were open wide, as she stared him down from where she stood a good distance away.

Mike found her to be quite pretty, surprisingly much prettier than most of the girls in Hawkins. Just as soon as the pleasing thought crossed his mind though, it was gone. He no longer cared how pretty she was, considering she was the one who had tied him up, right after she hit him in the back of the head.

She could've seriously hurt him, maybe even killed him and he really hadn't even done anything wrong.

The girl finally made a move, cautiously walking over to him and ripping the tape right off his mouth, without so much as a warning.

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