sneaking out

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For years, El's eighteenth birthday signified what she hoped would be the start of her emergence into the world, of her freedom. Many nights, she dreamt about what all she would see and do once she made it out of that cabin. It gave her the hope she needed to push through each day, knowing that something would have to come out of her progression into being an adult.

That long awaited day came and went though, and it was nothing like she had expected it to be. It was actually quite the opposite of the dream she had always envisioned in her head. Instead of going out into the world, El was stuck in the cabin that entire day with Papa, doing the same things they always do.

She had preferred that he go to work, so she could be with Mike, but Papa insisted that the big day was to be spent with her. She knew it would be pointless to ask him if they could leave the cabin, seeing as he made it pretty clear the last time she'd asked that it wasn't an option. So, she played along, acting as if she were having the best time with him. 

Given how the past week had gone for El though, the way her birthday played out hadn't bothered her all that much. From the moment Mike had come into her life, she'd gotten to experience so many new things with him, so many things that she'd always dreamt about. She didn't need this day to give her that, she had already gotten her dream and so much more.

El was happier than she'd ever been, but for reasons Papa was completely unaware of. Even at dinner time, as the man droned on and on about more of the plans he had for her at the lab, her happiness never faltered.

And that happiness only grew stronger the next morning, when Papa told her he would be returning to work. As usual, he reminded her that he would be gone the whole day, the news being the best (late) birthday present the man could've possibly given her.

The second he left the cabin, El rushed across the room, snatching the phone off the wall to give her favorite person the good news. She quickly dialed his number, it ringing a couple of times before Mike finally picked up.

"Hi, El."

"Hi! How'd you know it was me?"

"I had a feeling."

El giggled softly into the phone, the sound of Mike's voice on the other end inevitably bringing a foolish grin to her face.  

"Papa's going to be gone all day again, can you come over?"

"Yeah, of course. I made plans with Dustin, but I can cancel them."

"Oh, no you don't have to cancel your plans. I can just come with you!"

"Uh, El? I really don't think that's a good idea."

"But Papa will be gone all day, Mike. He would never find out if I left."

It was silent for a moment, causing her to fear that he was going to say no. She wouldn't accept that though, she needed to go out again.

"Please? I need to get out of this cabin. I need to see you."

Still, Mike said nothing.

It wasn't until she heard him let out a sigh, that he finally decided to speak again.

"Okay, sure. You can come with us."

"Yes! Thank you!" She exclaimed, thrilled that she would get to see not only Mike, but his nice friend from the arcade too.

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