Chapter 5

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Come to find out, Mr. Peterson had asked Kai what our address was, and what my favorite flower was, along with explaining why he was asking these questions. Obviously Kai told him the answers to both questions. Today is my first day back making today Wednesday, and Mr. Peterson tried his hardest to convince me to stay home until next Monday. What can I say, I'm stubborn when I want to be.

After delivering the mail, I head back to the mailroom in the basement to prep the outgoing mail that I have picked up from everyone, and clean and sort.

"Kenji, where are you?" Mr. Peterson's voice calls from the door.

"Over here, sir, in the sorting area," I call back while I continue to sort the outgoing mail.

His footsteps approach while I work, and when his footsteps stop, I look up from the pile of mail to see him standing a couple of feet from me with a curious expression on his face.

"Good morning, sir," I murmur with a smile as I resume my task.

"Good morning, Kenji," he replies as he scans over what I'm working on. "Why wouldn't you stay home until Monday? You woulnd't have lost pay or sick days if you did."

"No offense, sir, but I'm fine enough to work," I reply, briefly glancing at him. "When I have episodes like that I'm always better the next day, but I appreciate your concern."

He frowns at me for a second before slowly nodding; "May I ask you a personal question?"

I silently nod while finishing my task, and he asks; "How come you live with your brother, and not with your parents?"

Briefly glancing at him before starting my next task; "My parents kicked me out for my sexuality."

"That's horrible! How old were you when this happened?" he asks, and he sounds angry which is surprising.

Shrugging my shoulders at him while answering; "It was the day of my fifteenth birthday. I should have kept my mouth shut until I moved out, but I guess it's a lesssoned learned. I'm just thankful Kai took me in, and was my brother and guardian."

"Your brother seems like an amazing person," he replies sincerly.

"He truly is, and I'm lucky he's my brother," I agree. "I don't know where I would be if he isn't who he is."

"Um, can I ask you another personal question?" he questions a little nervously.

Shrugging my shoulders at him as I stop to look at him before he wairly asks; "Your parents didn't do anything else to you other than kick you out, right?"

Biting my lower lip while trying to decide how to answer him; "They, uh, well, my dad beat the hell out of me before dragging me out to the front porch where Kai found me. Kai was coming over to have dinner with us for my birthday, and he called the police on my parents, and they were arrested and charged. Mum didn't do anything to stop dad."

Mr. Peterson looks pissed, hurt, and ready to vomit; "I'm so sorry you went through that, Kenji. GOd, now my next question is going to sound horrible, and please feel free to tell me no. I was, uh, wondering if I can take you out on a date Friday night for dinner?"

I can feel my entire body fluah a dark red color; "Um, you do realize I'm only 19-years-old, right?"

"I know, your brother infromed me of this when I spoke with him yesterday," he replies with a small smile.

"What exactly did you and Kai talk about in regards to me?" I ask while trying to keep the nervousness from my voice.

"Your favorite flowers, your address, if I could ask you on a date, your age, your likes and dislikes, etc.," he answers with a smile. "Oh, and when we are outside of work, please call me Nathan."

I swear if my skin keeps flushing red like it is, my skin is going to permently stay this shade; "Okay, sir."

"Good. Now, I will let you get back to work with no distractions from me," he says as he turns to leave before suddenly turning back to face me. "Wait, you haven't answered my question."

"Yes, I will go on a date with you Friday night," I murmur with a bright smile.

"Great! I will pick you up from your home at 6 p.m., and please wear something causual, but comfortable," he grins before leaving the mail room.

"What the fuck did I actually agree, too?" I mumble to myself in wonder with a shake of my head.

I have no idea where my boldness came from. When my lunch time arrives at 1 p.m., I'm fully freaking out about the upcoming date in two days with my boss. I'm lost in my thoughts as I lock the mail room door behind me before walking to the cafe. I'm so lost in my thoughts as I walk that I don't notice Kai and Kennedy waiting outside the building for me.

"Kenji, are you alright, bro?" Kai's concerned voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

Snapping my attention to them, and I silently nod as the three of us walk toward the cafe. They remain silent until we order our food, and sit together at a table - Kai and I on one side, and Kennedy across from me.

"Okay Kenji, what's going on inside your head?" Kennedy asks once we've settled in the seats.

"Nothing to worry about, I'm just thinking," I reply unsure if Mr. Peterson wants anyone at work to know about our upcoming date.

"Are you thinking about your date with Mr. Peterson on Friday night?" Kennedy asks while wiggling her eyebrows at me suggestivly. "He told me when he came back from see you earlier about the date, and that you agreed."

"Kenji, that's wonderful! I just want you to be careful, okay? If this, whatever it is, ends badly, then it could affect your job negitivly," Kai warns with a small smile.

"I will be, don't worry, Kai. I need my job," I assure him with a small nod of my head.

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