Chapter 8

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"Are you upset with me, Kenji?" Nathan asks about ten minutes into the drive to his home which is about twenty minutes from mine.

Nathan lives on the edge of the town in the woods for privacy.

"Kind of," I murmur as I look over at him with a frown. "I'm an adult, but I feel like I'm being treated like a child. I understand your reasoning, but still."

Nathan stays silent for a moment, so I take the opportunity to continue; "Never mind. Forget I said anything, and I'm changing my answer to 'nothing is wrong'."

He sighs as he pulls into his gated driveway after punching in the code to open the gate. Guess we were silent longer than I thought we were. He parks in his garage, shutting the garage door through his garage door remote that is clipped to his visor as he turns off the vehicle engine.

"Kenji, I'm sorry. I just want to take care of you all the time," Nathan whispers while looking at me directly in the eyes

Sighing, I mumble; "I know all three of you want the best for me. I just wish I was talked to like an adult, and not a child, and have my opinion considered. I understand why no one wants me at Adam and Kai's home while I'm sick, but I wouldn't endanger anyone with a sickness."

"I am sorry, love, and I will listen better to you from now on," he promises, and I only see honesty in his eyes.

"Thanks," I mumble before sneezing three times in a row. "Okay, I'll admit I was wrong about being sick, so I'm sorry for being a hassel."

"You are not a hassel, love," he returns with a small smile. "Now, let's get you inside, so I can feed you, and take care of you."

Climbing out of the car, we walk inside the house after he unlocks the front door, and he let's me inside first, and he promtly shuts and locks the door behind himself. He places my bags on the carpet next to the leather chair after he insisted on carrying these inside. He gestures for me to sit on the dark gray colored couch.

"I'll be right back," he says before dissappearing down the hall after I've settled on the couch.

He returns a few minutes later with a fuzzy black bed blanket, sits down on the opposite end of the couch of me. He smiles as he motions for me to join him on that end, so I slide over to him curiously. Nathan lies me down with him so we are lying chest to chest, and he covers us with the blanket once I'm settled comfortably. I tuck my head under his chin to snuggle into him as I find myself slowly falling asleep while I'm lulled by his rythmic breathing, and rubbing his right hand up and down my back.

Nathan's P.O.V.

I know the instant Kenji has fallen asleep as his breathing evens out, and slows. Kissing the top of his head, I can't help but smile at how adorable he is despite being sick. I know I was being slightly demanding with him earlier when I told him to pack some clothes to stay with me for a few days. I have my reasons for this - first, I want to take care of him while he is sick, and secondly, I don't want his germs to possibly infect Kai and Adam's foster children. Thirdly, Kai told me that Kenji has plans to look at an apartment tomorrow with Will, and before they do that I have a propsition for the two of them that I hope they take me up on.

Kenji's P.O.V.

Blinking my eyes open, I realize that I am in Nathan's bedroom, lying on his big, warm, comfortable bed under the covers. Rolling off the bed, I use the bathroom to relieve my aching bladder, and then go in search of Nathan. I hear him humming come from the kitchen, so that is where I head, and find him cooking something on the stove. Standing just inside the kitchen, I silently watch Nathan hum and dance in place at the stove.

Smiling softly to myself, I realize that he is only dressed in red and white checkered pajama bottoms only. His back muscles are on full display as he dances around while cooking. I hope I'm not drooling, but if he catches me, I'm sure I won't care.

He suddenly turns to grab the two white and red stripped bowls on the counter next to the stove on his right. He then notices me lean against the door frame, and smiles brightly at me before he turns slightly to turn off the burner to slowly walk toward me with a sexy smirk on his face.

Nathan stops in front of me with our bare toes touching; "Hi. How did you sleep, love?"

Blushing lightly I croak out; "Hi. I slept well since your bed is super comfy, but it's the best when I'm there with you. You are warm, cofmy, and make me feel loved and safe."

His smirk deepens as his warm hands wrap lightly around my hip bones as he leans down to kiss my forehead lightly; "I enjoy having you sleep there with me, too, Kenji. I hope you are hungry as I have made homemade chicken noodle soup which is good for colds."

"Yeah, I think I can manage a bowl," I lightly croak out with a stuffy nose. "What is it by the way?"

"8 p.m., love," he answers while steppning away to dish out the soup.

"I'm sorry I ruined our date night," I mumble to his back; Nathan finishes his task before walking back over to me to pull me gently into his muscular body, and lightly holds me to him.

He softly asks; "None of that. You didn't ruin anything by becoming sick, love."

"But if I hadn't," I try to argue, but stope when Nathan lightly tightens his hold on me.

"Nope, stop right there. Did you some how get sick deliberetly?" he asks pulling back slightly to look me in the eyes.

Pouting at him as I shake my head in response with a light snuffle; "No, but I still feel guilty about it."

"It's okay, though, we will have plenty of more dates to come," he grins as he tucks me back into his body for a few minutes before insisting that he needs to feed me the soup now that it has had time to cool some.

"This is good, Nathan," I tell him halfway trhough the bowl.

He grins at me from across the table; "Thank you. It's a family recipe that my nana gave me, and she always made this when I was feeling ill. I would feel better soon after eating it, too."

"Well, I hope her magical soup does its wonders on me, too," I grin before taking another spoonful.

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