1. Learning

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"DYLAN I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU" you screamed out of your room into your brother room parallel of yours.
Your brother had knocked so hard on your door that your door sign that read "gays only" had fallen down and broken and woken you up.

"VAL IF YOU'RE GOING TO KILL SOMEONE KILL ME. I TOLD HIM TO WAKE YOU UP" your father yelled up the stairs and you rolled your eyes.

"FINE BUT YOU ASKED FOR IT" you screamed back down. You flopped back onto your bed then finished grabbing the pointless shit you needed for your last year of high school and tossing it into your backpack.

You ran down the stairs skipping the last three on your way out of the house into your car. You got in the drivers seat and pounded your head against the head rest behind you and thought.

The past year had been a roller coaster. In the fall your grandma and grandfather had come over to your house to visit. Your grandma had lit a candle and when she threw the match out it wasn't fully burned out and lit the garbage bag on fire leading to one side of your house catching fire destroying that half and killing her. It was devastating to watch the house you grew up in burn in front of you.

Your father had been meaning to buy a new house but never got around to it.

Your financial situation wasn't bad and you had enough money to buy a new one but he hadn't gotten around to it yet. Part of you thought that he was still mentally scared and attached to the house that his mother died in.

Taking your head off the head rest and facing forward you drove to school. School never bothered you like it did other kids, you enjoyed it it gave you something to do and keep your head on instead of your worsening mental state.

You arrived at school and went through the day like any other day until 7th period. The principal came in to your science class and asked if you could take your things and meet him outside. You complied and walked out of the classroom into the hallway.
"Hello Mrs mee"

TIRED | Kelly FosterWhere stories live. Discover now