"Mom... we found blood in the basement"

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Five-0 was searching for clues, in order to solve the case, when Catherine's cell phone rang. She instantly answered. "Hello", Catherine said. "Mom?...", Jason said. From the tone of his voice, Catherine realized that something wrong was happening. "Jason... what happened?", Catherine replied. "We... we found blood in the basement... i think that something bad happened to dad.", Jason said. "Where's Jennifer?", Catherine said. "She is in our room and she is hidding", Jason replied. "Listen to me Jason. Close the phone and go to Jennifer. Don't touch anything in the basement. I am coming right now!", Catherine said. "Ok mommy! Can i ask you something?", Jason said. "Yes, sure Jason", Cath said. "Did anything bad happen to daddy?", Jason said. "No. He might injured himself during work. He is fine", Catherine said to calm Jason. "I am waiting for you to come mommy. Please, come fast", Jason said and closed his phone. Catherine stood up. Her fear could be clearly seen on her face. She went to Danny's office. "We have a problem Danny!", Catherine said when she entered the office. "What happened exactly?", Danny repied. "Jennifer and Jason found blood on our basement. I guess that the amount is huge, so we have to go and investigate the scene. I think... that... it has to do with Steve...", Catherine said. Danny stood up and exited his office, while texting Kono and Chin to meet them at the McGarrett residense. Catherine followed Danny to his car. They both got in and they headed to the crime scene.

Upon arriving at the McGarrett residence, Catherine ran in the house to find Jennifer and Jason. Kono followed Cath. Chin and Danny went to the basement. "Jennifer, Jason, where are you?", Catherine said while searching for her kids. Then, Jason showed up. "We are here mom", he said. Catherine instantly fell on Jason's level and hugged him. Kono went in the room to take Jennifer. "How did you find the blood amount in the basement?", Catherine asked Jason. "We were playing with our ball, when i accidentally threw it in the basement. Jennifer said that she would go and retrieve the ball. When she opened the door, she saw the blood", Jason explained. "It's ok now Jason. We will take you from here", Cath said. Then, Kono and Jennifer came out. Jennifer was crying. Catherine hugged her tight. "Jennifer, are you ok?", she said. "No... someone hurt daddy... i want daddy... please mom... bring him back...", Jennifer said while crying. "Shh, don't worry princess. I promise you that we will bring daddy back", Cath said to calm Jennifer.

Kono and Catherine took the kids to the Headquarters. Danny called the HDP to send reinforcements to close the scene of the crime, while Chin was taking a blood sample. The police officers who came to help, didn't find any clue. Nothing could help them. It seemed like the people who had kidnapped Steve had done the perfect abduction. After many hours of investigating the scene of the crime, Chin and Danny returned to the Headquarters. Cath was in her office. "I have some bad news", Danny said upon entering Cath's office. "What is it?", Cath replied. "We didn't find anything else except the blood. Chin confirmed that the blood belongs to Steve.", Danny said. "What are we going to do now?", Catherine said. "I think that we should talk to the Governor", Danny replied. "Let's go and talk to him right now", Catherine said and stood up. Danny looked at her. "What happened with the kids?", he said. "Jennifer is still in a bad mood. She is both sad and scared. Jason is just afraid", Catherine said. "We have to keep them distracted so that they will forget what happened. I will tell my daughter to come here and keep company to them", Danny said. "Thank you very much Danny. I really appreciate it", Catherine replied. "No problem Cath. And i promise you that we will find Steve. He has done the same for us. Now it's our turn", Danny said. Catherine smiled and then, the 2 of them left the Headquarters to visit Governor Denning.

When they arrived at the Governor's home, they quickly went to his office. "Lieutenant Rollins, Detective Williams, what brings you here?", Denning said upon seeing them. "We need your help", Cath said. "I am listening", Denning replied. "Commander McGarrett hasn't showed up these 2 days in both his work or his home. We think that something bad has happened to him.", Danny said. "Do you have any evidence?", Denning said. "Yes. We found huge amount of blood in the basement of our home", Catherine asnwered quickly. "I will call the HPD to inform the whole island for Steve's disappearance, and i will call the NCIS team of Los Angeles to come and help you with the case. Steve is a Naval officer, so they will help too", Denning said. "Thank you very much governor", Catherine said. "No need to thank me Lieutenant Rollins. I am just doing my job", Denning said.

Danny and Catherine returned to the Headquarters. Chin saw them and told them what happened with the crime scene. "Guys, i have to tell you something", Chin said. "What is it?", Danny said. "We didn't make it to find more evidence at the crime scene. It seems that Steve just injured himself", Chin explained. "Yes, but you already know that this is impossible because Steve vanished", Catherine said. "I know. Anyway, what happened with the Governor? What did he say?", Chin asked. "He will call the HPD to inform them that Steve is missing and he will call the NCIS team of Los Angeles to help us", Danny said. "So, we stay here for now and we wait for them to arrive?", Cath said. "Yes. All we can do, is help your kids to forget what they saw at home this morning", Chin said. Cath nodded and went to her office, where Jennifer and Jason were playing. Chin and Danny followed her. The team spent the whole afternoon, trying to help the kids forget what happened. When the night came, they didn't leave the Headquarters, but they stayed there.

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