The conversation - Michael's arrival

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The team was waiting for the Greeks to answer the call. Some seconds later, someone answered. "Hello", the Greek agent said. "Hello. Who are we talking to?", Catherine said. "I am Colonel Irons. Who are you?", Irons said. "I am Navy Lieutenant Catherine Rollins. We are calling you from Hawaii", Catherine said. "Ok. What do you want?", Irons asked. "We want to talk to one of your agents", Sam said. "What's his name?", Irons said. "We don't know his name. But his last name is McGarrett", Danny said. "You are talking about Michael. Give me some minutes", Irons said. He ordered one of the agents to call Michael. After a while, Michael arrived with the agent. "Sir!", Michael said and looked at Irons. "Michael, these people want to talk to you", Irons said. Michael turned and looked at the screen. "Who are you?", Michael said. "I am Lieutenant Catherine Rollins from Five-0 Task Force", Catherine said. "Plus the NCIS team from Los Angeles", Sam said. Michael stood still for a while. "Wait... you... you are Steve's wife... And Sam... you are his friend from the Navy SEALs...", Michael said. "Yes, and we need to talk to you in private", Catherine said. "Sure...", Michael replied. The agents left the operation room and Michael stayed alone. "Tell me", Michael said. "We will need your help over a serious case", Catherine said. "And this case has to do with your brother", Kensie added. "What? Is Steve in trouble?", Michael asked nervously. "Unfortunately yes... He has been kidnapped from someone", Danny said. "And we can't find out who he is", Chin said. "But we think that the people who kidnapped Steve come from Europe, so we would really appreciate your help", Callen said. "I will pack my stuff and i will come to O'ahu as soon as possible to help you with the case. I will arrive in 2 days", Michael said. "Ok. We will wait for you", Callen said. "Michael... thank you for helping us", Catherine said. "No problem Cath. Steve is my brother and i would do everything for him", Michael replied. Catherine smiled and then she terminated the call. "So far, so good", Sam said. "The plan is working perfect", Callen said. "Almost perfect. What are we going to do with the CIA?", Danny asked. "They will never find out that we re-opened the case again", Callen said. "We will have Hetty take care of this issue. Meanwhile, we will tell Eric and Nel to give us Michael's files. We want to know about his service", Kensie said. "Great. So, for the moment, we are waiting for Michael to arrive", Catherine said. "Yeah", Callen said. Catherine nodded and went to her office to take care of her kids, who never stopped asking if Steve was ok. Meanwhile, Kensie and the rest of the NCIS team called Eric and Nel in order to take all the necessary information for Michael.


The team was still waiting for Michael to arrive. "What do we have on Michael?", Danny asked. "As i can see, he is a great agent", Kensie said. "We are listening", Catherine said. "Well... he served in the Mountain Raiders for 12 months, and then he joined the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit. He served for 8 years and now he is working in the National Intelligence Service", Kensie said. "What else?", Chin asked. "He participated in many undercovered missions in order to find and capture some of the most dangerous terrorists", Callen answered. By the time he finished his sentence, Michael entered the main room. He was a tall man and he was wearing a camo uniform. He was also wearing an earring, and a big tattoo was visible on his left arm. A pistol holster was attatched on his leg. "Good morning", Michael said. "Good morning. You must be Michael", Catherine said. "Yes. I am N.I.S Agent Michael McGarrett", Michael answered. "You look exactly the same with Steve", Chin said. "I just hope that you don't act that aggresive as Steve", Danny said ironically. "I am sorry to dissapoint you, but i am much worse than my brother", Michael replied. "Damn it, we will get into big trouble...", Danny said. "It depends. Anyways, what do we know about Steve's abduction?", Michael said. "We don't have much evidence. Our only clue is a call. But the voice is deformed on purpose. We can't identify the person", Callen said. "Can i hear the recording of the call?", Michael asked. "Sure", Chin said and put the recording on play. Michael listened to the recording very carefully. "Can you put it on repeat?", Michael asked. Chin replayed the recording. When the recording was over, everyone looked at Michael. "Why did you hear the recording twice?", Deeks asked. "Because i just found out the nationality of the suspect", Michael said. "You mean, the nationality of the suspects", Kensie said. "Whatever. The suspects come from Germany", Michael said. "How can you be so sure?", Sam said. "Because their accent doesn't belong to any other nationality. Listen to the recording and check out the accent of the caller", Michael said. The team listened to the recording. "Michael is right. He is a German, that's for sure", Sam said. "Alright, and how are we going to find them?", Catherine asked. "We will search all the flight lists, the ship schedules and all the transportation agencies. Plus, we will have to check all the security cameras and all the big cash or credit payments throughout the island", Michael said. "I will check the cameras", Chin said. "Me and Kono will check the flight lists. We will ask all the airports", Danny said. "Me and Deeks will check the ship schedules and the transportation agencies.", Kensie said. "And me and Callen will check the suspicious big credit or cash payments", Sam said. "Alright guys, let's do this. Let's find Steve", Michael said. Everybody left to complete their tasks. Michael and Catherine were alone. "Michael, i will need your help over an issue", Cath said. "Sure", Michael replied. "The kids are constantly asking what is going on with Steve. I don't know what to tell them. And i am afraid that they will reveal the truth sooner or later", Catherine said. By the time she finished her sentence, she noticed that the kids were standing behind her, and they had listened to everything she had said. Jennifer ran to Cath's office and Jason followed her. Catherine attempted to run behind the kids, but Michael prevented her. "I got this Cath. Stay here", Michael said and went to Cath's office. Jennifer was sitting on the couch and she was crying and Jason was hugging her. Michael got in and approached the kids. "Hey buddy, can i talk to you?", Michael said and looked at the kids. "Who are you?", Jason asked. "I am Michael, and i am your dad's father", Michael replied. "What happened to my dad?", Jason asked. "Some bad people took him away to make your mom feel sad", Michael said. "Are you going to find them and take back my dad?", Jason said. "Yes. I promise it. But you have to be strong for your sister and your mom. Your dad trusts you to protect them", Michael said. Jason looked at him. Then, Michael continued. "Your mom feels sad. Go and hug her and tell her that everything will be ok. Alright buddy?". "Ok", Jason said and left. Michael looked at Jennifer. She had covered her face with her hands and she was crying. "What's your name princess?", Michael asked. Jennifer raised her head and looked at Michael. "Jennifer. Who are you?", she said. "My name is Michael and i am your dad's brother", Michael replied slowly. "What happened to my dad?", Jennifer asked. "I will tell you, but first you will answer to a question", Michael answered. "Ok". "Do you know that your mom and your dad love each other very much?", Michael asked. "Yes", Jennifer said. "Here's what happened. Some bad people, who are jealous of your mom and your dad, took your dad away, to make your mom feel sad and alone. You and Jason must tell mom that everything will be ok. You have to encourage her and support her", Michael said. "But, you will find our dad, right? Mommy needs him here", Jennifer said. "I promise you that we will find daddy and we will bring him back", Michael said. Then, Jennifer ran outside the office to find Jason. They both ran to Catherine, who was at Steve's office. They hugged her tight and Jason said. "Mommy, can i tell you something?". "Of course little sailor", Cath replied. "Everything is going to be fine", Jason said. "Yes mommy. Michael will find daddy and he will bring him back", Jennifer added. Cath hugged the kids and then she went to Michael, who was listening to the recording of the call. "Hey", Michael said when he saw Cath. "Hey. Can i ask you a question?", Cath said. "Sure", Michael replied. "What did you tell to the kids? They are calmer and happier now", Catherine said. "I distracted them. I told them that Steve was taken away because some people are jealous of you and him. I just promised them that i will bring him back", Michael said. "That totally slipped my mind. I should have thought of it", Catherine said. "It's ok Cath. You are worried about Steve. It's normal to forget things sometimes", Michael said. By the time he had finished his sentence, the rest of the team arrived to the headquarters. Catherine and Michael went to the main room. "Did you find anything?", Michael asked. "Maybe. We found out that a small team of German tourists arrived at O'ahu 2 weeks ago. But now they left", Sam said. "Do you know their names?", Catherine said. "No. The names they used are fake", Kensie said. "Any plans or options?", Michael asked. "We can only wait for the kidnappers to call us", Callen said. "And what are we going to tell them?", Deeks asked. "I will deal with this problem Deeks. Don't worry", Michael said. Then, all of a sudden, Cath's phone rang. She quickly answered. "Hello". "Do you have the money?", the caller asked. Then, Michael grabbed the phone. "She won't tell you if you don't give us proof that Steve is ok", Michael said. The caller must have approached Steve, because, after some seconds, the team heard his voice. "Catherine?", Steve said. Catherine broke in tears. "Are you ok baby? Where are you?", she said. "I am almost fine", Steve replied. Then, the caller took the phone again. "Do you have the money?", he said. "Yes, we have them", Michael said. "Good. You will have to travel to Germany to meet us", the caller said. "In which city exactly?", Michael said. "You will learn the location, as soon as you arrive to Germany", the caller said and closed the phone. Then, Michael looked at the team. "Pack your gear and wait for me at the parking lot. I have something to take care of", Michael said. The team nodded and prepared their equipment. Michael went to Steve's office to make a call. He called his agency. "Hey, it's Agent McGarrett. We have an emergency". "What kind of emergency?", his superior said. "A German terrorist team kidnapped a US citizen. Contact with Interpol and GSG-9 and tell them to search for them. They are in Germany. The situation is critical", Michael said. "Roger that, i will contact them and i will let you know about the results", the superior said and closed the phone. Michael ran at the parking lot. "What happened Michael?", Danny asked. "Nothing. I just contacted with my agency. We will receive additional help from Interpol and GSG-9", Michael said. "Alright, let's go", Catherine said. Everyone entered their cars and headed to the airport. They arrived in less than 40 minutes. Upon arriving, they met CIA officers Chamberlain and Johnson, and FBI agent Folley. "What are you doing here?", Catherine asked surprisingly. "We learned that you reopened the case...", Chamberlain said. "And we came here to stop you once and forever...", Johnson added. "Well... i will make this clear to you... If you try to stop us, you will be searching for a job", Michael said. "And who are you and you are threatening us?", Folley asked. "I am someone who came here to help my family", Michael said. "We don't care if you want to save your family. Our order is clear. Fend off the case, or you will be in trouble", Chamberlain said. Michael got angry and approached him. "Try to prevent us if you dare", Michael said. Chamberlain attempted to hit Michael, but he didn't do it. He just turned and left. "You will pay for that you pathetic idiot", Chamberlain said. "Μαλακα! (asshole/malaka in Greek)", Michael said. Nobody understood what Michael said. Chin looked at him. "What did you say exactly?, he asked. "I just insulted him in Greek", Michael said. "You know that you just got into trouble now?", Danny said. "So what? They can't do something to me", Michael said. "Anyway, let's move guys. We have a mission to do", Callen said. The team entered the airplane, which lifted to the air and disappeared to the horizon.

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