IX. the beginning of the end

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THEY APPEARED ON the hillside overlooking the river acheron. the sun was just rising, making the water glitter and the clouds glow orange. the cool morning air smelled of honeysuckle.

karina breathed in the scenery like a breath of fresh air— taking in the mosaic red and orange sky as it slowly faded into daylight. the colors of the sky reflected onto her skin, making her face glow as she gazed into the open sky.

percy watched her with adoration as she stared dazedly into the rising sky— admiring how calm and beautiful she looked in this moment. her skin was glowing, and her eyes were illuminated by the slowly brightening sun— making them almost shine as well. her hair was slowly billowing behind her, and he noticed that it had been cut resonantly shorter than how it was before— and he seemed to catch a glimpse of a small strand of hair that was contrasting to her normal golden brown locks. his eyes also caught onto a small scar that was tracing down her right cheekbone— it was faint, but he noticed it. and he knew that it hadn't been there before he left.

but, he decided not to mention any of that, knowing that he has all the time in the world to ask her about his time away from her. all that mattered to him in this moment was that she was here beside him— living and breathing. just has he had dreamed of for the past few weeks.

"hey," he murmured, just loud enough for the two of them to hear.

karina turned to him, her full attention focused purely on the sound of his voice. but, before she had time to say anything, she felt a pair of lips attach themselves to her's— and her mind was instantly swept away from any coherent thoughts.

karina's soft, and inviting lips were a stark contrast to percy's burnt and chapped ones, but she considered this kiss once of the best ones they have shared. it was full of earning, and slight desperation— both of them having wished for this moment together for so long, and now finally having it. their lips molded together like art, both seeming to fit perfectly against each other's, leaving both demigods in a muddled state of mind.

they both felt their minds slip away as the kiss continued, one of percy's hands holding the base of her jaw, and top of her neck, while the other rested firmly against her waist. karina's hands were both placed tightly on either side of his jaw, her fingers whispering along the edges of his hair.

percy pulled away first, their foreheads still touching. his heart was beating fast and his face was burning slightly— though, he wasn't sure if it was from his sunburn or karina. "gods, i missed doing that."

karina laughed quietly as she traced her finger over his jawline. "i forgot how good of a kisser you were."

percy pulled away with a fained look of offense shown on his face. "how could you forgot such a thing?"

karina shrugged, an amused smile tugging at her lips. "guess i've been too preoccupied with all my other side men to remember."

percy narrowed his eyes at her. "i bet none of them were as good as me, though."

karina pretended to contemplate her answer. "well . . . "

percy's face turned even more offended, and she couldn't help but let a deep laugh escape her. "i'm kidding! i'm kidding! you are the best kisser out of all my side hustles, percy."

"good," he said, but he still sported a small pout as they turned back to the others, who were just now beginning to stir.

leo staggered backward. "you know . . . i think i'll sit down."

he collapsed. the others joined him, along with percy and karina, who leisurely strolled over and sat down. the argo II still floated over the river a few hundred yards away. karina knew that they should signal coach hedge and tell him they were alive. had they been in the temple all night? or several nights? but at that moment, the group was too tired to do anything except sit and relax and marvel at the fact that they were okay.

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