II. can you actually defeat victory?

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"I JUST DON'T see why you won't let me help you," percy complained for the tenth time in the past five minutes— watching as karina impressively wrapped and cleaned the arrow wound in her leg by herself. percy was stuck sitting beside her in the med bay, feeling completely helpless as he watched his girlfriend clean her own wounds.

"because i trust myself to do it better than you," karina said honestly, a hint of amusement in her voice as she continued to wrap the gauze snuggly around her thigh. she was wearing a pair of green cotton shorts and a black tank top— something comfortable and clean after being stuck in that completely uncomfortable white dress for hours.

"i've helped you wrap your injuries before," percy defended, a pout prominent on his face as he crossed his arms across his body in a sulk.

"when?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, looking up from her work for a moment to send a curious glance in this direction.

percy scoffed. "loads of times!" he exclaimed. "like when we were . . . uh . . . " his voice trailed off, but then he shook his head. "it doesn't matter! the point is— is that i am your boyfriend and i'm supposed to boyfriend-y things for you— like wrap your injuries for you."

"oh, that's real romantic, percy," karina said sarcastically. "wrapping your girlfriend's arrow wound through her leg? i can feel the love!"

percy rolled his eyes and scooter closer to her, resting his chin on her shoulder— a pout still prominent on his face. "please," he begged, dragging out the e. "i just want to help."

"i know, baby," karina said, setting down the gauze on her hand to pat percy's cheek. "but i'm already done. see— " she looked down at her bare leg, which was now neatly wrapped in a thick layer of white gauze— the wound completely covered.

percy sighed looked up with his signature baby seal eyes— the ones that karina could barely withstand without giving into anything he says right then and there. "i'm sorry you got shot," he said quietly, his voice slightly muffled from being squished into her shoulder.

karina smiled down at him and placed a kiss on the crown of his head. "it's okay," she said. "it wasn't as bad as jason's stab to the gut. that thing was gross."

percy chuckled and sat up straight, pulling karina closer to him. "i'm just glad you're okay," he said with a small glint in his eyes— a show of relief. "i didn't want to be separated from you again. even if it was just for a few hours."

karina nodded, resting the side of her head against his shoulder, her eyes facing his neck and he rubbed his hands up and down her arms soothingly. "me neither," she admitted softly. "i never want to leave you again."

percy wrapped his arms around her. "you won't," he promised. "i'm not letting go anymore."

THE NEXT MORNING, the group of demigods (beside's leo— gods know where he is), were sat belowdeck eating breakfast.

once upon a time, karina wouldn't have trusted her and her friends to be together belowdecks with nobody at the helm, but ever since piper had permanently woken up festus with her charmspeak— a feat karina still didn't understand— the dragon figurehead had been more than capable of running the argo II by himself. festus could navigate, check the radar, make a blueberry smoothie, and spew white-hot jets of fire at invaders— simultaneously— without even blowing a circuit.

besides, they had buford the wonder table as backup.

leo had decided that his three-legged table could do just as good a job as their "adult chaperone." he had laminated buford's tabletop with a magic scroll that projected a pint-sized holographic simulation of coach hedge. mini-hedge would stomp around on buford's top, randomly saying things like "CUT THAT OUT!" "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" and the ever-popular "PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!"

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