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Carter got ready and came outside of his bedroom. When he looks through the glass wall he could see dishes and plates properly placed on the patio dining table outside. A smile appeared on his face."Why are you standing?" Nora said interrupting his trance state as she stands at the kitchen door."Everything looks delicious" Carter complimented as he took his seatBoth left the house after having breakfast. Carter was drive and Nora sat on the passenger seat."Your table is broken. How will you repair it?" she asks looking at Carter"I will tell my assistant to send someone to repair and clean the mess," he said looking straight to the road and Nora nodded as she looks outside the window"Don't worry" he said as he intertwined his fingers with Nora's fingersShe turned her glaze to the intertwined hands. Carter lifts her hand and placed a kiss on the back of the hand. She started blushing at Carter's action."Is my baby blushing?" he teased her "Baby really?" she asked shyly"You don't like then I can call you cutie pie or sweetheart or sexy," he said with a mischievous smile"I don't mean that," she said gigglingHe glances at her when he heard her giggle and gave her a questionable face."I mean I never thought Carter Bailey can be romantic," she said smiling"Well I promise I will change so I am trying and your smile is telling me that I am one step closer to my goal," he said proudlyAfter few minutes they stopped in front of Nora's apartment. "Thanks for dropping me," she said turning to him"I only accept kiss," he said leaning toward herShe leans and kisses him. She backs up with a smile and started to unbuckle her seat belt. Before she could open the door, Carter touches his arms to stop her. She turned and looks at Carter."I was thinking how about we go on a date today," he asked nervously"Okay, I will reach your house early. What you want to eat?" she said with a smile"Not at the house, we will go outside," he said "But you don't like going out," she asked confused"That was just a stupid reason so that nobody see us in public" he paused "If you don't want it then it's okay" continues as his face drop realizing his behave towards Nora in the pastShe knows Carter was feeling guilt. "I would love to go," she said with a smiled and kisses Carter's cheeksWhen she received a smile from Carter, she got down from the car."I will text you when I will pick you up," he said and Nora nodsThey both wave their goodbye. It's evening Nora is getting ready for the official date with Carter. She got a text from Carter saying he is on his way. She couldn't contain her smile. Carter kept texting her all day like a dedicated caring boyfriend. After getting ready she waited for him.After few minutes her phone buzzed, she immediately saw the message. Carter texted he was downstairs. She stood up with excitement while taking her purse and rushed downstairs.Carter was stand in front of the passenger seat to welcome her. He kept fixing his tie and hair feeling nervous. He turned when he heard the sound of a footstep approaching. He had a huge smile seeing Nora. He was admiring her. She looked beautiful in the blue dress, hair opened with little makeup."Hi" she wished"You look beautiful," he said leaning to her and kissed her cheeks "Thanks" she replied flattered by Carter's compliment"This is for you," he said as he gave her the flower bouquet"Thanks," she said as she smells the flower"Shall we go?" he said as he opened the passenger seatThey took their respective seat and drove off to the restaurant that Carter reserved. After few minutes they reached and Carter gave keys to the valet for parking. Nora was shocked as Carter reserved one of the expensive restaurants in the town. They walk to the hostess as she guides them to their table. They place their order and enjoying each other's company. Carter was trying his best to impress her and don't want to disappoint her. Nora was too enjoying Carter's company. He was attentive and having an actual conversation. Nora was a bit irritated when the waitress kept interrupting their conversation and try to flirt with Carter. But to her surprise, Carter doesn't even glance at her once. They have a wonderful first date. At first, Nora thought she did a huge mistake confessing her felling to Carter. After spending such a beautiful date with him, all her worries disappear. Carter was happy to have Nora back in his life. After a long time, Carter enjoyed an actual date with an actual conversation.

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