Chapter 5

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Today it's Jim's Birthday. I get up earlier because I have to set up some things. I baked a cake, bought some decoration and his favorite chocolate. I set the candles on the cake on fire and wake Jim up.
I'm singing: „ Happy Birthday to you
          „ Happy Birthday to you
          „ Happy Birthday dear Jim
          „ Happy Birthday to you!"
He slowly turns around and looks sleepy at me.
„ Is it already my birthday?" He asks
„ Yes!!! Come on you have to blow the candles out!"
I grab him by his wrist and drag him to the table.
He blows the candles out.
„ When did you bake that cake?"
„ Yesterday while you were asleep " I say proud
„ It looks amazing!"
„ Thank you" I'm blushing
„ Here is your present "
I give him a small black box with a red tie around it. He looks at me confused.
„ You bought me a gift?"
„ Yes!!! Now open it!!!"
He slowly opens it and then looks at me.
„ No you didn't" he says.
„ Yes I did "
„ You bought tickets to Montreux?!"
„ YES "
He hugs me tightly.
„ You didn't have to do this" he whispers
„ You always wanted to go there, go to the Jazz Festival and take a break. You deserve it"
„Thank you. Thank you so much!"
„ Let's eat some cake now" I say
He lets go of me.
„ That cake is amazing" he says while taking another piece.
„ Thanks!" I'm blushing
I'm asking: „Soooo do you have any plans for today?"
„ No, why?"
„ I thought we could go to the beach if you want to"
„ Yeah why not"
After eating the cake, we get ready for the beach. As we go outside, Jim gets into another car. It was a Blue Ford Mustang.
„ What are you looking at?" He asks.
„ I've made myself a birthday present." He throws some keys at me.
„ The Cadillac is now all yours" he says while laughing.
„ No! You can't be serious!"
He chuckles
„ But I am"
„ I don't know what to say! Thank you!!!!!"
He says: „ Come on I want to go to the beach now!" He laughs
We drive in his car to the beach.
We just sit in the sand and talk when the paparazzi show up. They take pictures and ask questions even though we told them to stop. Jim look sad and annoyed so I just get up and drag him with me to his car.
„ I'm sorry I didn't want this to happen" I say
„ It's okay let's just go home again."
Everything goes according to plan. I invited his friends to come over while we're away, because we want to surprise him. As we get there Jim parks and looks at me.
„ We're going to move within the next week to the house"
„ That's amazing!" I say
„ Now let's go inside" I get out of the car.
As we get to the apartment everybody screams: „ SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!"
Jim was overwhelmed but looked happy.
The party is a success. Everybody's having a good time and seem happy. It's now 5:30 am and the party has finally ended. I'm falling tired into our bed and sleep in. This day was amazing.

Jim Morrison X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now