Chapter 8

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I slowly wake up because the sun shines into my face and the birds are twitching. I look around and realize that Jim and I must've been falling asleep in the garden. To be honest, it isn't the most comfortable place to sleep, so I get up and make some breakfast. I put everything on our table outside and wake Jim up.
„ Good Morning"
He moves and looks at me sleepy.
„ Morning"
„ I made some breakfast."
He stands up and walks to the table.
„ Sooooo, how is the album going?"
„ Great! Only 1 song is missing and that's the one you're gonna sing with me."
„ That's great!"
I take a sip of my coffee.
„ Let's go to the studio later" he says excited.

We're driving to the studio now.
On the way we don't talk and just listen to the radio. As we get there the others are already waiting.
„ You're late." Ray says slightly annoyed.
„ I know" Jim says and goes into the studio.
We are recording songs all day long until everybody gets tired and goes home. As we're getting home, I cook some dinner for us and do the dishes.
„ The food was amazing!" Jim says and puts his hands on my hips.
„ Thank you" I say.
„ I'm really sorry for everything I did. I just wanted to let you know." he says and looks to his feet.
„ it's okay." I say and kiss him on his forehead.
„ I love you."
This was the first time he said it. I don't know what to say. He looks into my eyes and I get lost in his.
„ I love you too"
A small smile forms on his face. I giggle.
„ I'm really tired. I think I'm gonna go to bed now." I say.
„ Yeah I think I'm gonna do that too"
We both go upstairs.

The next morning I get woken up by a sweet smell and Jim singing a song.
I walk downstairs and see him, cooking pancakes and singing »Hello, I love you«.
„ Good Morning" I say and stretch myself.
„ Good Morning darling"
„ Those pancakes smell amazing!" I say and help him set the table.
„ Thank you!" He's blushing.
„ How did you sleep?" He asks and puts a pancake on my plate.
„ Good. What about you?"
„ Me too"
As we finished our pancakes, I clean everything up and get ready.
I walk down and see that Jim's waiting for me.
„ Get in the car" he says.
„ Why?" I'm asking suspiciously.
„ I have a surprise for you."
We get in the car and drive to the Los Angeles forum.
„ What are we doing here?"
He gets out of the car and points at a poster. I can't believe my eyes.
He holds up 2 tickets.
„ You got tickets for the Led Zeppelin concert?!" I'm screaming.
„ Yes. I got us some VIP tickets so you can meet the band."
I hug him and start to cry a bit. He doesn't even like Led Zeppelin.
„ Thank you soooooo much. You're the best! I love you!" I say sobbing.
„ Everything for you my dear."
We go into the hall and stand in the first row. It's amazing. They play with such an energy. Suddenly the band stops to play and Robert plant starts to speak: „ This show today is dedicated to a girl called Y/N. It's her birthday today and I think we all should sing happy birthday! Y/N can you please come on the stage!" I look at Jim and he is smiling and nodding. I walk up on the stage and hug the band members. All 17.505 people start to sing happy Birthday. I burst into tears. Jim walks up on the stage.
„ And now ladies and gentlemen, a special guest for you: JIM MORRISON!"
The band starts to play »Love her madly«
Jim and Robert sing the song together. After that, the show is over. We go backstage with the band and talk a bit. We switch up our numbers, so we stay in contact. Then we leave.

„ This was probably the best day of my life! Thank you. I'm still speechless."
„ This was the only way to make it up to you for being such a dick."
„ I'll never forget that. Led Zeppelin and Jim Morrison on the same stage singing a the Doors song!"
„ This was probably the first and the last time." He laughs.
As we get home we eat some leftovers from the morning and listen to some records.
We snuggled up on the couch with a blanket on to of us and watch the fire in our chimney.
„ I'm really tired i think I'm going to bed now." I say and get up. I fall into our bed. Jim joins me a few minutes later. I put my arm around his torso and play with his hair until we fall asleep.

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