Chapter 12

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2 months later.
I haven't spoke to Jim since the night when I broke up with him. Today he's flying to Paris to take a break, so I'll go get my stuff from the house. I'm living at my friends house now. Her name is Layla. She's the girlfriend of Eric Clapton.
„ Should I drive you to the house?" She asks.
„ No thanks I'll do it on my own.
I get in the car and drive there. As I arrive I see Jim's car in the driveway.
Fuck he's still here.
I get out of the car and go in the house without knocking because I still have the keys.
It smells like smoke and whiskey in here.
„ Who's there?"
„ It's me. I'm here to get my stuff."
„ I put it in boxes you can just take them." He says. I'm afraid to see him so I just take the boxes and drive home. It could've been worse.
„ How was it?" Layla asks.
„ He was still there. He put my things in boxes already. It stunk in there and I was too afraid to face him, so I just took the boxes and left." I say a bit sad.
She hugs me.
„ Everything is going to be fine. I'll promise" she whispers softly into my ear.
„ I guess so." I say and let the tears fall down.
We carry my boxes into my room and I unpack them. All those memories come back. I just don't have the power to do that now. I miss him so much but I'm also glad he's gone. I'll just have to cope with that.
I just don't know how.

July 3rd 1971
It was a warm and sunny day so Layla and I decide to go to the beach. Everybody stares at us. That's actually very unusual. The people start to whisper and look sadly at me. I don't understand anything. Layla turns on the radio so we won't get annoyed by the people. We sing along to the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix and many more when I heard it. Layla looks shocked at me.
„ NO NO NO NO NO THIS CANT BE TRUE! LAYLA SAY THAT IT IS NOT TRUE. PLEASE LAYLA!!! THIS MUST BE A BAD JOKE! " I start to scream and cry, I just want to die.
„ Y/N..... I'm so sorry but it's true. Why would the people look at us like that."
She hugs me as tight as she can.
„ No Y/N you're not. I know that you love him and he did too. Don't forget that."
I never cried that much and that hard. We didn't realize the paparazzi were taking pictures of us until it was too late.
She grabs our stuff and we drive home. I run into my room and lock it. I start to smash things and punch the wall until I bleed.
„ Y/N. Let me in." Layla says seriously.
„ NO! I don't want to hurt you."
„ If you say so."
I fall down on the floor. What am I gonna do now?
Im staying in my room for week and only leave it if I'm hungry.
„ Y/N someday you have to come out of here. You can't stay there forever." Layla says concerned.
„ But I want to. I still feel terrible."
„ Y/N please. I miss my best friend."
I go to the door and unlock it.
Layla runs into my arms and cries.
„ I missed this."
„ Me too. How long have I been in here?" I ask.
Around 1 month.
„ I don't know maybe it's too early but do you want to go to Paris and visit his grave. I bought tickets for tomorrow."
„ We can't let the tickets expire so let's do it." I say sadly.

The next day
„Ready?" I ask.
„ Whenever you are." She replies.
We walk up to his grave. I look down and start to cry. It's just too much. Layla hugs me.
„ I'm pregnant. And it's Jim's." I say.
She looks at me.
„ Shit Y/N. Why didn't you tell me?"
„ I didn't want you to get overwhelmed."
I start crying even more.
„ It's okay Y/N. Let everything out."
„ I'm glad to have you Layla. Without you I'd probably be dead."
„ I'll be there for you. Always."
„ Thank you"

Author's note:
This isn't the end of the story. Stay tuned guys :)

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