Chapter 9

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Today we get up earlier because we have to discuss some details with the band for the upcoming tour.
„ Y/N hurry up we have to be at the bar in 15 minutes!!!" Jim screams from the hallway.
„ I'm coming!!" I run down the stairs.
„ You look amazing!" He says.
„ Thank you." I'm blushing.
We get into the car and drive to Barney's Beanery. I've never been there but I really like it. The light shines in different colors, everywhere are license plates and there is a motorbike! The others are already waiting for us.
„ Hello" me and Jim say.
„ Looks who's finally here" Robby says annoyed.
„ it's not like you waited hours for us. Calm down." Jim says slightly angry.
We order 2 jack Daniels and talk about the tour. The album sold a lot of copies and we are going on a world tour in 20 days. I couldn't be happier.
„ What about Y/N?"
I was lost in my thoughts until someone said my name.
„ She is coming with us!" Jim says.
„ Yes I don't want to stay alone here!"
„ We'll meet at the airport on July 3rd and fly to the UK." John says.
„ Sounds Good!" Ray says.
„ See you on July 3rd" I say.
Everybody is leaving but Jim wants to stay.
„ I really like it here. I think we should come here more often." I say to break the silence.
„ Yeah right?"
We finish our drinks and Jim drives to the city.
„ What are we doing here?"
„ I think we should buy some new clothes since we're going on tour and perform."
„ Wait, we?!" I ask surprised.
„ Didn't you listen to us earlier? Our song went No. 1 in Europe! We are going to perform it live together!"
„ REALLY?!" I'm freaking out.
„ Yesssss! Now let's go and buy some clothes  darling." He giggles.
We walk into a small shop and buy matching outfits. We buy black bell bottoms, a white blouse, some jewelry and concho belts. The outfits look amazing!
We go to a few other stores and buy some other stuff for the tour.

As we get home, I start to make burgers and fries and set the table. It tastes amazing!
„ You're a really good cook!" He says and takes another bite.
„ Thank you. I made yours extra spicy." I smile at him.
„ I'm doing the dishes today. You can do whatever you want." He says.
„ Thank you. I think I'm going  to swim a bit in the pool. You can join me if you want."
I get up and put on my bikini. As I get down Jim looks at me.
„ You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. You look flawless. Just perfect. "
I'm blushing and head outside.
Jim sits next to the pool.
„ Why don't you come in?"
„ I'm not in the mood today."
I splash some water at him.
„ Oh You're gonna regret that darling." He jumps into the pool. I get out as fast as I can so he starts chasing me. I'm laughing and screaming. After some time I get tired and Jim gets me. He puts me on his shoulder and throws me on our bed. He starts tickling me.
„ Jimmmmm......... Please...... stop..... it.....!" I'm laughing.
He starts kissing me.
„ You're the first, last and only thing I think about. Your eyes are brighter as the sun and your skin is softer thank silk. You're fascinating."
He falls next to me on the bed and we look into each other's eyes.
„ James Douglas Morrison. You're the most charming man in the whole galaxy."
„ I love you" we sat at the same time and laugh.
„ You are the soulmate I've never searched for." He says and kisses me.
I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. He plays with my hair and sings:
„ Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on
A-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me
Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore"
I start singing with him:
„You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you
Fill my heart with song
Let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for, all I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words
In other words
I love you"
We smile at each other.
„ I never knew that you know and like Sinatra." He says.
„ You never asked."
He chuckles and shakes his head.
He's humming mir melodies until I fall asleep in his arms.

Jim Morrison X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now