𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟹 - 𝚃𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝

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"Oh! I just remembered I forgot to uh- do something upstairs, I'll be right back!" Bokuto removed his head from where it had rested on Akaashi's shoulder and jumped off the couch.
Akaashi gave his boyfriend a confused look but wasn't too suspicious, deciding he probably just forgot to turn off the bathroom light again or something.
"Okay, dear," Akaashi replied before his attention diverted back to the manga panel he had been working on editing.

Once Bokuto was out of the room he allowed himself to release the breath he had been holding.
'Phew, that could've been bad.' He thought to himself, delving his hand into his pocket to take hold of a small velvet box.
For the past month or so, Bokuto had been thinking of proposing to Akaashi. His boyfriend of seven years, since he graduated from high school.
Bokuto knew this was what he wanted, god, he wanted it more than a gold medal, more than anything. He couldn't recall a time in which he'd been happier than when he was with Akaashi, his amazing boyfriend.

He just hoped Akaashi felt the same.

Though, who was he kidding? Of course Akaashi felt the same. He'd proved countless times over and over again just how much he loved Bokuto, and how much he meant to him. Which really, was probably the reason Bokuto hadn't already popped the question yet. He wanted it to be perfect. Akaashi deserved the world and Bokuto wanted to give it to him. But no matter how hard he tried to plot out the best proposal he possibly could (Kuroo would try to help sometimes, too), nothing felt good enough. To the point where he realised (also with the help of Kuroo) that if he spent so much time worrying about how he was going to propose, he might never actually do it in the first place.
So he came to the conclusion he should simply just wing it, with a vague idea of what he was going for. He bought a couple of supplies and he was all set to put his plan into action.
'Or, maybe not.' His brain decided, nervously putting it off another week. But today was the day, Bokuto had mused earlier that morning, afraid that if he didn't do it soon he would quite literally combust.

He walked into his and Akaashi's shared bedroom, pulling out the plastic bag full of the supplies he had bought. Bokuto lit a couple rose scented candles and scattered maybe a bit too many fake rose petals across the floor and bed.
'Maybe just a few more.' He bit his lip and threw another load of petals onto the hardwood floor, which was almost completely covered in pink polyester.
Finally, there was just one more step left.

"Keiji! I need youuu-!!" Called Bokuto loudly, his voice echoing throughout the house.
Akaashi, who didn't want to stop working just because Koutarou probably couldn't find his favourite sweatpants, again, quickly yelled back.
There was a beat of silence, and Akaashi sighed. Koutarou had probably broken something, again, so he decided he should probably go see what had happened.

Immediately before Akaashi had even opened the door, he smelt a strong floral aroma coming from their bedroom and slowly opened the door. Which is where he saw Bokuto, kneeling on one knee above a sea of fake flower petals, a navy blue small box in his outstretched hand.
"Ever." Bokuto smiled lovingly at his boyfriend.
"What?" Akaashi's voice came out as a squeak, and he clapped his hands over his gaping mouth.
"I need you forever, Keiji." He opened the box, presenting a silver band with a sapphire encrusted in the middle of it to Akaashi.
"Oh, okay." Tears welled up in Akaashi's eyes as his voice cracked.

Akaashi let out a sob because 'here is my boyfriend (fiancé!?) proposing to me in our bedroom which he filled with artificial flower petals and rose-scented candles and oh my god that ring must have been so expensive he really didn't have to do that and oh my god why is he so beautiful and why is he smiling at me like that he's so adorable oh my god I love him so much.'
And then he was kissing him, deeply.

"Is that a yes?' Bokuto teased when they parted, wiping a stray tear from Akaashi's red cheek.
Akaashi chuckled softly, 'how was this man so infinitely perfect?'
"I need you forever too, Koutarou." He stated, his voice mushy with fondness.
And Akaashi cupped his fiancé's face and pressed their lips together, again.

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