𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟺 - 𝙲𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚎/𝚈𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚣𝚊/𝙼𝚘𝚋 𝙰𝚄

65 3 0

A/N: Credit to prompts-aus-starters on Tumblr for the idea of this prompt. 🥰


Bokuto swung the string of his hoodie around his finger as he walked through the local town.
Bokuto Koutarou was a thief, nothing big or famously wanted, but a thief nonetheless. He would only partake in small crimes, however, like shoplifting from grocery stores or pickpocketing the locals.
Today, he decided as he noticed a well-dressed man with dark curly hair and deep gun-metal blue eyes ('and a ridiculously good jawline' he mused silently), that this was one of those days.
It seemed simple enough, the incredibly handsome man looked to be distracted by a dark red coloured notebook in his hands. Bokuto thought he must have some sort of superpower to be able to walk so smoothly without even having to look at where he was going.
But it wasn't important, all that mattered was it left Bokuto an easy way to go through with his plan.

Bokuto moved in closer, before bumping his shoulder into the man's body. As he did so he slipped his hand into the man's pocket and fished out his wallet.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He apologised loudly, keeping the man's eyes tracking him as he stealthily put the wallet into his own pocket.
"It's fine." The raven-haired man bent over to pick up the notebook he dropped when they had collided.
"Well, cya!" Bokuto put on a big fake grin, before speedily running past the man.

Once Bokuto decided he had put another distance between himself and the ravenette, he plopped himself down onto the nearest bench. Not being able to hold in the anticipation to see his findings, he put his hand into his pocket.
Yet, he could only feel one wallet. There should've been two, right? He specifically remembered stuffing his own wallet and the man's he had thieved from into the same pocket.
He pulled the single wallet out and looked it over. It was brown and made of leather, he could've already determined from there but just to be certain he wasn't hallucinating he popped the wallet open and checked the ID inside.

Keiji Akaashi.

Yep, definitely not him. Which must mean... That man had stolen his wallet!? There couldn't have really been anything else that could've possibly happened to it. He had used the wallet only a couple of minutes before the incident with the pretty ravenette who was apparently named Akaashi to buy a can of cola (what? He didn't steal all the time).
Bokuto thought about the handsome man and the way he must've stolen his wallet whilst Bokuto, a thief himself, was none the wiser.
And with that, Bokuto broke into a smile because 'oh my god we're totally meant to be', and jumped off the bench before dashing back in the direction the man had gone.

"You!" Bokuto yelled when the man came into vision.
"Me?" Akaashi turned, giving Bokuto a smug smirk, Bokuto's wallet clasped in his right hand.
'That little shit.' Bokuto was captivated.
"You stole my wallet!" He pointed at the man, they seemed to be lucky to be in a less populated street.
"Ah, yes, I did do that." Akaashi said, his eyes gleamed daringly as he held up the wallet with an owl printed on the front of it, pretending to examine it.
"It seems you have stolen mine too, Bokuto-san." His eyes darted back to meet Bokuto's, who felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Yeah, so, do you wanna go on a date with me!?" Asked Bokuto, smiling cheekily.
This seemed to startle Akaashi (which gave Bokuto a sense of achievement), but he quickly returned to his previous sly demeanour, that is, if you disregard the blush on his cheeks and redness of his ears.
"I'll make you a deal, Bokuto-san. Hand over my wallet, and I'll hand over yours and go on a date with you tomorrow.
"Deal!" Grinned Bokuto.
Akaashi held out the wallet to Bokuto, who quickly snatched it back before handing Akaashi his wallet back too.

Akaashi began to walk away, and for a moment Bokuto was a little disappointed as he thought that was going to be it, before-
"I'll see you here at 2 PM tomorrow, Bokuto-san." Akaashi sent the man a smirk, and with that, he finally turned and disappeared out of sight behind the corner.

Bokuto opened his wallet, and he couldn't even find it within himself to care when he noticed he was down 1,000 yen. Right before he noticed the little scrap piece of paper that had been slipped inside his wallet with a phone number on it that read,

Message me~


𝔹𝕠𝕜𝕦𝕒𝕜𝕒 𝕎𝕖𝕖𝕜 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟙Where stories live. Discover now