Wait, I'm....what?

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He woke up and looked around the room. Deo was just lying awake, others were still sleeping. "Good morning" He said with a smile. "Hello," Deo said and smiled back.   'Wait, what are their species?' He got nervous and asked, "I never asked....um...what are your species?" Deo looked at him and smiled again "Well, I'm shapeshifter, the same species as the King" Tommy looked confused "Why are you close to the Ruler?"  "He, the King is a shapeshifter, we are rare species and can only be born from two humans with a very low chance "He explained. "Oh okay, but what are their species?" He asked still curious about the other 2 "Well, they both are Cheetahs" Deo answered "Okay!" Tommy asked and saw Deo looking at him "But, what are you?" Deo asked "I don't know, My mom was a Crow, and none of my brothers were any hybrids. And mom said that if they were late bloomers, they would develop already." "Hmmm.... that's interesting, did your mom think that you could be a late bloomer?" Tommy looked at him and answered "Yes, she always said that, mom said that as soon as I start developing, I can talk to birds. OH! About birds! You don't mind if I call my mom's crow?" Tommy looked at Deo and Deo nodded. Tommy got completely up and stood on the floor, he walked near the window and called the crow's name "Void!" The two brothers who just woke up were looking at him confused. Deo looked surprised. Soon, he could hear caws and saw a lot of crows nearing the window. "Void! Here!". He opened the window and all except one crow sat down In front of the window. That one crow sat on the boy's should and started rubbing her head against his "So that's your mom's crow?" The brothers looked at each other confused "Your mom's crow", they said at the same time. "Yep! This is Void! My mom's loyal crow! These" he pointed at the other crows "Are Void's family, you can see that there are some small ones, that ones are the children!". "Boys, Tommy is a late bloomer, probably, and we need to go to one of the mages to know his species and when he will start developing." Said Deo. The boys looked at him and nodded "Wait, you can just walk around the kingdom without the caretaker's permission?" Asked Tommy "Yep! As long as your back till sunset!" Explained Luke "Now, get your ass dressed for the day" Added Bitzel.

After Tommy and others changed

After Tommy changed, he wore a red lumberjack shirt and some Black shorts.It was in the middle of summer and very hot so the boys agreed to go swimming after visiting the mage. They all gathered by Infront of their window, Void sitting on Tommy's should while the rest of her family circling around them in the sky.

"I think it's time to go guys" Said Bitzel. "Sure, Lead the way then!" Said Luke. "Do you even know where they live?" Asked Deo while facepalming "Oh-" Answered Bitzel. "I will lead the way then" Replied Deo. Tommy just stayed quiet while the 3 were having a conversation. He was so deep in thoughts that he didn't hear Luke yelling for him to go. The next thing that happend was him getting bonked on the head by Luke. "What the fuck mate?!" Finally spoke Tommy. "You were spacing out, now come on the other two are already on the way!" Answered Luke. Then they procided to run after the others for 2 minutes until the catched up almost dieing. "We are almost there, most of the mages live on the mountain so we gotta go up the stairs now. You two can go by yourself but I will grab Tommy seeing as he is a human and you two are Cheetahs" (I DO NOT SHIP THEM) Deo said. The he shapeshifted into a some kind of bird hybrid and picked up Tommy. Flying while holding him. Soon the got to the top and watched as the two brothers were having a competition which one gets there first. Luke being the fastest one of them won the race of course. Let's say that Bitzel was not happy. "Okay we are here, now we just need to get to the mages house" "YES SIR!" The brothers jokingly said and bowed. "Idiots" muttered Deo. "Anyways, Tommy let's go. I can see that your as exited as we are to know if your hybrid and which one you are" Deo said and they started walking in the Streets of the mage section of the kingdom. Soon they reached a strange looking house. Deo knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a man. He had brow hair and strange color changing clothes. You could see a spiral in his eyes, glowing bright Green. "Hello Karl!" said Deo. "Hello there young one!" Answered the man who's name is Karl. "Come in, I heard you and your friends needed help to determine which hybrid the newcomer is" Karl continued "H-how did you know?" Tommy asked nervously. "No need to be nervous Tommy" Said Deo. They all walked into the house which looked a lot BIGGER on the inside the on the outside. "How-" Tommy asked getting cutted off by Karl "I am a mage I mean, I can do things like this so yeah. Also, sorry for cutting you off" Said Karl. "Karl, can we get started already? We still need to get back to the orphanage, and I'm hungry!" Whined Luke. "Like, you could've just asked. I have a lot of borscht in the freezer. Just go warm it up" Said Karl while leading the boys to the living room. The living room looked like it was a magical place. "Okay everyone except Tommy please sit down. Tommy, Imagen magic surrounding you, you need to think of the smallest details too. What is the color, are there any small patterns on it, is it glowing or pure darkness, transparent or not." Karl explained. Tommy closed his eyes and started to imagen the magic surrounding him. It was Royal red, black and bluish feathers mixed in. It was not transparent and looked like liquid. The magic looked like feathers covered in blood.
Looks like this:

Karl slowly added his magic to the mix

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Karl slowly added his magic to the mix. As soon as he did that the red magic drowned out Karl's and formed wings behind Tommy. Karl hummed and then retreated his magic into an orb. "You can stop now Tommy" Said Karl. Tommy open his eyes to see amazed faces of his friends. "What?" Tommy asked. Before anyone could say anything Karl started speaking. "You are indeed a late bloomer, some kind of Bird, but looking at the feathers the magic had, most likely crow, rook or reven. Looking at the orb, your wings should form in the next month" Tommy nodded and the asked "Will it hurt?" Karl looked at him and answered "As far as I'm aware, only a little bit. Your magic will Start forming wings on your back. It will hurt because a new set of bones are appearing. It will be just a dull ache in your back, so nothing serious

Words: 1220
This is the end of this Chapter, hope you have amazing day/night/morning/evening


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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