Chapter 3: Stella

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Chapter 3: Stella

One minute I was fine. My eyes were closed as the beats of the music pounded my ears. The warm water soothed my jet-lagged body.

And the next, I gasped as I felt myself being dragged below the water surface. My eyes shot open as I tried to kick my assailant off, so that my legs could be free. My heart pounded as water filled my mouth and nose, my hands grabbed the sides of the tub from sinking any lower and my lungs burned as oxygen ran out rapidly. There were no thoughts, I had no time to think anything rational as I fought for my life.

A lucky kick must have landed on my attacker for I felt their grip on my ankle loosen just for a second. With everything in me, I hoisted myself up, my eyes blinking rapidly to adjust to the water and my wayward hair in them and let out a scream. It didn't even last a split second as again I was submerged. But this time, I had inhaled some air on the way down so at least my lungs were not in immediate danger of collapsing.

Bending myself in the tub, I was able to get the person's gloved hands off me by digging my nails in the exposed skin above it. As his hands retracted, I threw myself out of the tub, wanting to escape.

I need to run.

However, my slippery wet legs made it impossible to even move a step as I fell hard on my knees. I panted, as my skeleton jolted from the shock. Water droplets fell on the ground from my hair, as I tried to look around for something to use. Heart beating in my ears, I was only able to barely make out the person behind me had stood up and was coming closer.

Maybe if I turn around, kick him down and escape?

I looked up as I heard the door to the bathroom opening. My heart froze as I saw another person enter the bathroom. All thoughts stilled as I noticed the person in front of me wearing black just like the person I just fought off, his face covered with a cap and a black mask.

There were two assailants. One in front of me, the other behind me. There was no way I could fight off two people. I am going to die tonight. Or worse. I flinched away as the person in front of me took a step towards me, making my body as small as possible. My eyes were stuck on the ground, as tears burned behind my lids. My throat felt rough as I gulped, and my body ached dully.

Please, please, please don't hurt me.

I was momentarily startled when I felt something cover me. Expecting the worst, I freaked out and almost jumped out of my skin. Realizing it was the second person's leather jacket, I let out a shuddering breath, clutching it like a lifeline. The ruffling of the fabric was loud in the silent room as presumably the two people stared at each other silently. The suspense was stifling, but I was too afraid to look up.

"Who are you?" The muffled question came from behind me as he came closer.

Wait, these people are not together?

Before I could even make a sound, the person in front of me took a couple of steps to where the other person was and punched my first attacker right in the face. The former was relentless in his attack as he kept punching the other guy.

There were a lot of groans and a lot of shouting as they both fought in the small space. One of my cupboards fell down as they both crashed into it, clutching each other's clothes.

"Who the hell are you?" The first person screamed angrily as he punched the guy who gave me his jacket, back.

In all the commotion, I managed to slip past the door and grab my phone from my bed. Almost about to press the call on the '911' services, I was momentarily startled as one of the two people came running out into the room where I was. He said nothing but pushed me hard enough to make me fall, and then went out of the door at full speed.

On the ground, silent tears slipped out as I clutched my ankle. The push had made me bump it against the corner of the bed and it hurt so much. Somewhere in my state of distress, I heard the sound of the front door closing.


I looked up as a soft voice penetrated my senses. My own phone came into my vision as the person standing in front of me, the person who...saved me, handed it over. I stared at the three numbers on the screen blankly before he crouched down, rocking on his feet.

Still in shock and frozen in fear, I tried to see who it was. But his face was too well-shielded. I could barely even see his eyes as they were shadowed by his cap. The mask hid everything else. But with the leather jacket of his gone, I could see he was more lean than muscular. He was wearing black army combat shoes.

I tried to commit everything to memory in case I lived tonight. I was so afraid as to what this person would do to me, as he extended an arm and grabbed my pointer finger.

God please, God please!

Unexpectedly, he took my finger and made me click on the call button. My eyes never left his physique as the call connected. He put it on speakerphone.

"Nine-One-One, what is your emergency?"

"I...I..." I hesitated, not knowing what to do. Will he kill me in case I said I was attacked? Will he let me live? He did save me from the other person. But what if he is worse? I decided to take a chance anyway.

"I have been attacked. I require immediate assistance." It was the right answer apparently as suddenly, the top of the mast lifted a bit, as if in

Oh my god, did he want me to call the police and then hurt me? What kind of a sick man...

"Okay, we have located your phone and have dispatched someone to help you. Please stay on the line if you are hurt. How many attackers are still there with you?"

More hesitation.

What should I say?

I realized I had taken a lot of time to answer as the person in front of me stopped rocking on his feet, tilting his head sideways. That motion would have been cute if I wasn't so scared. I watched as he got up and made his way to the door. 

Wait, was he leaving?

Just before he shut it behind him, he turned around to look at me once more.

"One. And no, he is gone."

I exhaled softly as I tried to calm my racing heart down. My head was pounding, and my body was exhausted. My ankle was protesting every movement. As I inhaled, a soft scent invaded my senses. Despite being contradictory, the blended scents of roses, peaches and oranges really soothed me. It was a scent unlike any other and I found myself putting my arms through the jacket to get closer.

"Alright. The nearest officer will reach you in another five minutes. Please stay on the line."


Hey my lovelies! How is life treating you? 
Yesterday I worked for 15 hours you know? I get it, that I am working from home, on a laptop, but for Christ's sake. Work is work and I am honestly not being paid enough for all this bullshit. 

Did you guys see the J3/3J dance on Butter? Those moves are so killer! God, if only I could dance that way. 

A sweet picture of Emilia Clarke to end my A/N:

Love you!Vote and Comment to make my day a bit better :) -A

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Love you!
Vote and Comment to make my day a bit better :) 


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