Chapter 6: Morgan

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Chapter 6: Morgan

The three of us groaned simultaneously as the cries of the baby woke us from our semi-light slumber for the fourth time in the past three hours. We were all sort of sprawled out on the living-room floor, around the crib where the five-month-old was getting fussy.

"Get up, it's your turn." Tianna punched my arm, her exhausted head resting on the leg of a chair.

"It's your baby." I tried to shift away from the noise, picking up the cushion on the sofa behind me, and putting it over my ears. In my semi-conscious state, I heard Tianna elbow Aldric, followed by his rumble.

"It's your turn to calm her down. I did it last time."

"It's your baby." He repeated my words. A sound similar to someone getting slapped followed. "I apologize, it's our baby." He recanted his words.

I snickered, my eyes open only in slits, as Aldric got up and pinched himself to drive his sleep away. Poor guy was up most of the night as both Tianna and I were so exhausted trying to manage her during the day. Tianna had taken some maternity leave from her company, and I was unemployed, so it kind of worked out that both of us could take care of her.

"You know, if some criminal escapes because I was too busy sleeping on the job, I am going to blame you guys." He declared as he picked up the baby and started swaying her from side to side.

"As long as I get three hours of sleep in a day at a stretch, I do not care if you blame me for the dinosaur extinction." Tianna grumbled as she picked and dragged herself to the master bedroom, crawling on all fours to reach the bed.

"Hey Morgan, come on, wake up, I need help." Aldric nudged my back with his foot as I grunted, trying to somehow perform a magic trick and disappear from that house. I sighed when his incessant nudging didn't stop.

"Oh, for Christ's sake—stop it!" I shouted, irritated.

There was pin drop silence for a while. I smiled with my eyes still closed when my ears caught no sound; not of Aldric moving around, nor of the little one's cries. Did my desperation somehow trigger some magic powers in me? This silence is like heaven, I can live here forev—But then that illusion was shattered when the infant started crying louder than before, her wailing echoing through the house.

"Are you going to get up now?" Aldric asked as he took a seat behind me on the rocking chair, trying to pacify her with the movement and at the same time, kicking me from behind like a true arse he was.

I moaned, defeated. "Yes."


"Don't say anything." Tianna whispered as she navigated all of us out of the room. It was a bit of a hassle trying to dodge all the baby toys on the floor and not make a sound but somehow, we were managing the best we could. A couple more steps and then we can be clear. Why does a kid her age need so many toys which make noise anyways? The entire floor was like a minefield.

"Will you be quiet!?" Tianna harshly grabbed my ear, pulling it a bit like how a mother does to her rebellious child.

"I didn't even say anything!" I defended myself fiercely, in a low whisper, rubbing my ear.

"Well stop thinking so loud! You will wake her up!" She widened her eyes and looked like I was the one who was acting insane. I sputtered as I looked between Tianna and Aldric, not knowing what to say. Aldric just facepalmed himself and dragged us all outside. He shut the door and pulled out a small baby monitor from his pocket. After checking to see if it was working, he turned around to see Tianna and I glaring at each other.

"Why do you think so loud? It's like I can see your thoughts flashing over your head in neon." Tianna grumbled as she went towards the kitchen as if her statement was completely sensible.

"Is she serious?!" I complained. "What is this? Are you seriously telling me she can hear my thoughts now? What is she, that sparkly vampire from that movie?"

Aldric sighed as he draped an arm around my shoulders, guiding me to where his wife was fixing us a snack. "Motherhood must give a power or something dude, I am not kidding, just last week I was thinking how costly it is to raise a baby, all with their education and stuff, and from nowhere Tia comes in and says it's okay and we will manage." Aldric kissed Tia's hand as she handed him a plate with some fruit, making her smile. "You truly are incredible." He told her as I gagged in the background, already fed up with the amount of affection they show each other on a daily basis.

Aldric and Tianna have been married for the last four years but they still behave as if they are in the dating phase. It's incredible that they have such a good relationship, but I feel like I will get diabetes from all the sweetness.

Munching on a grape I stole from Aldric's plate, I began thinking whatever he said. Not how Tianna was amazing and all, but the cash crunch thing. "What will you do about money, by the way? Any leads?" I asked, thinking about my own current unemployment situation.

"I have been thinking about getting another job." He announced, ignoring his wife's look. "A buddy of mine has another buddy who said that their company is looking for a few people for a security team. The pay offered is almost four times my current salary with additional health benefits."

I choked on the water I was drinking. Holy hell.

"Morgan, tell him that if the salary is that good, maybe the job is dangerous." Tia spoke before I could even utter a sound, looking at her husband with a disdainful look, her arms on her waist. "What will happen to me and Nikki if something happens to you?"

"Point number one. Nothing will happen to me. I will stay safe. Point number two. We are not naming our baby Nikki. How about naming her Marlyn? Point number three. We definitely need the money, Tia. I checked out the lead, and apparently, there is no contract on how long you need to work there. I was thinking I will quit after a couple of months or so after saving up enough to last us till she is out of the diaper phase." He explained, before turning to look at me. "Do you know how much diapers cost, Morgan? They cost a lot." His eyes widened in exaggeration while I sighed.

The last point gave Tia pause as she considered his words. "Morgan, what do you think about this?" She asked as she sat down with us on the dining table with a steaming cup of tea in her hands.

I smiled, shaking my head, unable to come up with anything that might deter Aldric from joining. The opportunity sounded really good and all the points he put forth were valid. If there was no contract as to how long you have to work, the job would be really great. "If you have the link where I can apply, can you share it with me as well?"

I know maybe the story is going a bit slow, but it will pick up, do not give up on this :)

One major update.
The Billionaire's Temporary Wife has finally completed its three year contract and now, I am free to update it here on Wattpad!! :D I am thinking I will start editing and updating the book on Wednesdays...or are Fridays better? Of course, as mentioned in one of my Wattpad blasts, the book will have 20+ new chapters so I am really excited to see if you guys like it :)

On 27th September 2021, that means next week, it will be my 10 year - Wattpad Anniversary!! :D I cannot believe I have been on this amazing site for over a decade now. 

To celebrate such a special event, I am planning on updating this book every day for the next week (Monday - Friday) :D That means 5 days, 5 chapters. God, it will take a huge toll on my schedule, but I think it will be worth it :D

So see you guys on Monday! :)

All my love,


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