Chapter 9: Stella

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Chapter 9: Stella

My eyes raked over my outfit yet again in the ceiling-to-floor length mirror. The white shirt I had on looked professional with the grey pants and jacket. Tugging a piece of thread off the corner of my shirt collar, my eyes fixated on the small necklace I had on through the mirror.

Touching it lightly, I smiled and hoped for the millionth time that wherever my mother was in this universe, she would be proud of me. The simple gold necklace was given to me by her on my fifth birthday, a couple of days before she passed away due to cancer. I have worn it all my life, so it was easy to see how attached I was to that piece of ornament.

"Stella, you ready?" Eli's voice came through the closed door of my occupied room and I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. I had been staying with Elijah for the past two weeks while some security measures were being set in place at my house. Since they would take some time to get imported and then installed, I was very graciously hosted by my best friend at his house.

Grabbing my bag and after checking my profile in the mirror yet again, I opened the door to reveal Elijah leaning on the wall opposite, playing Candy Crush, no doubt. It was a new obsession he had picked up during the last year and he has now made it a point to spend every free moment on that game, including meetings. No wonder he has reached level 2478 in such a short amount of time. It was both impressive and scary to me how dedicated he was to this game.

As we climbed down the stairs together to reach the living room, he turned to me, pocketing his phone. "Nervous about your first day?"

Laughing, I pushed him a bit with my elbow. "Come on, this is not the first day of school."

"But it seems like that, huh?" He gestured to my outfit. "You are totally in uniform."

"I just want today to be perfect. It would be best if people do not make a big fuss of me being there. Being low-key is what I will aim for. Actually, it would be idyllic if I am ignored altogether."

Eli looked at me if I had grown horns. "Stella, everyone is looking forward to your arrival. Especially my dad." He grinned. "I had to literally strongarm him into dropping that parade."

My eyes widened as I stopped walking. "Richard was serious about that?" In shock, my hands cupped my open mouth.

"Very much so." Eli beamed, clearly enjoying how panicked I was. "Amara also tells me that there are a lot of reporters and journalists at the front gate today. Your makeup better be perfect for your picture is going to be everywhere."

I sighed, already knowing that. My cover as a hidden billionaire will be blown in the next hour. My pictures are expected to go viral and be in newspapers and magazines tomorrow. I had made my peace with that. But one thing in Eli's statement caught my attention.

"Amara? Do you mean Amara Pickard? Our valedictorian?"

I couldn't contain the squeal as I watched Eli turn a bit red. As he licked his lips in nervousness, I decided to question him more because what else are best friends for. "When did your long-time crush decide to join the company?"

"Me liking her was just a phase okay? Truthfully." He lied.


"She joined the company five years ago. She is currently dad's assistant." He informed me as we turned the corner to reach the foyer. I straightened myself a bit more and masked my smile as three men came into focus. "Anyways, Stella, let me introduce you to the security team."

"Why are there three people, Eli? We decided on one." I growled lowly, as uneasiness began to prick my skin. The smile I had practiced so much in front of the mirror better be paying off now. Ignoring me, we walked up to the group and as they lined themselves in a single file, I titled my head. Feeling their eyes on me, I gulped, already feeling my privacy being invaded.

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