Chapter 11: Stella

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Chapter 11: Stella

Humiliation was probably too small a word for what I was feeling as I pushed the revolving doors to enter into the company I was going to be in charge of. My insides were churning, and my hands felt too cold. I tried to control my erratic breathing, but to no avail.

I had expected a lot of things today. The cameras, the questions, the slander, maybe even a protest, but one thing I had never expected was Corey Pickett, the reporter who said those malicious things to me. 

We do have quite a bit of history together, him and I, but it was the way he spoke those words, just like all those years ago, that brought back vivid memories. He spoke like he was completely sure of himself, like he had thought over each and every syllable, calculated just how deep every word would cut into my consciousness.

It was hilarious how I hadn't even stepped into the building properly and already I wanted to run away.

Behind me, I heard Elijah threatening legal action against Corey if he ever came near me again. I wanted to laugh. As if that tactic had worked the first time.

"Stella!" A warm voice in front of me broke my reverie, as I felt my hand being grasped in another.

Blinking and pushing my thoughts away, I smiled as I looked into familiar black eyes. "Uncle Richard." I acknowledged as the older man's eyes crinkled at the corners and he invited me into a bear hug. I could hear the cameras of the reporters outside flashing furiously.

"It has been too long, my dear girl. How have you been?" he asked, as we parted from hug. He glanced behind me, making me look too. "I heard Elijah has been taking care of you after the intrusion. I apologize on his behalf if he troubled you a lot."

I laughed his concerns away as I saw Elijah sidestep my very good-looking assistant and approach us. I noticed how Morgan was looking up at the ceiling making me curious as to what he was gazing at so intently. I followed his line of sight to see the beautiful five-tiered chandelier which was hanging there. It was almost sort of a landmark of the building. I smiled as I kept staring at it, remembering the times I used to pass below it to meet my dad years back when I was in school.

"What are you guys talking about?" I looked at Elijah whose expression had suddenly turned into one of comical horror. "Are you making fun of me, dad?"

"Maybe." Richard and I laughed as we took the stairs located on the side to reach a meeting hall located on the first floor, where a group of people were sitting inside.

I was introduced to all eleven of the board members by Richard, who very patiently explained each and every person's role and importance in the company. Not only did that give me an idea who was handling what, it also helped me connect with them.

"Now who is this pretty lady?" I turned my head when I heard a voice behind me and instantly broke into a smile.

"Dante!" I gasped in both amazement and shock as I took in the man standing in front of me. "Is it really you?"

"The one and only." He returned the smile, coming closer.

"You are unrecognizable! Come on, tell me where did that guy go with the big glasses, who used to tutor me Calculus?"

"That guy got Lasik eye surgery." He laughed, pointing at his face.

The people I was initially talking to, took leave to mingle with other people while I fully turned around to face him. Looking at his face, I was drowned in memories long forgotten. But one thing was for sure; puberty had been really good to him.

His spiky hair was more grown out now and curled around his temples. His acne was gone, revealing granite skin and his jawline was sharper than before. In addition to that, he had lost some of his baby fat, making him look taller.

Even though he was looking charming and dashing, I felt no feelings of any possible romance from him. Which I guess is why, when he grabbed my hand to plant a kiss on it, gazing intensely into my eyes like he wanted me to spontaneously combust, I couldn't help but feel awkward. There was something in his eyes which intimidated me.

But every time I blinked, I was always reminded of how hard he had tried to teach me, a person a couple of years junior to him, how to integrate. Sure, at one given point of time back in school, I had the biggest crush on him, but now I realize that those feelings were artificial. Not in the way that I felt, but in how they were born. He was the only person apart from Elijah I spent my maximum time around. And since Elijah was crazy about another girl in our batch, there was no point in cultivating any feelings for him apart from strong friendship.

I guess those strong friendship feelings had its benefits for I saw Elijah catch my nervous look and come over. Casually, he draped an arm over his older brother's shoulders and grinned.

"Are you really hitting on Stella? Come on, even a blind person can see I am the better catch." He joked, as he pulled his brother a bit towards him, which finally made Dante let go of my hand.

"Go away, already." Dante grinned, elbowing Eli and causing him to double over in mock pain.

"You both hold the position of senior management in this company, why don't you behave like that instead of like children?" Uncle Richard came up behind me and looked on at his two sons with an expression of defeat, cracking all us up.

"Stella, do you have a moment?" Uncle Richard addressed me after some chit-chat. "I needed to talk to you a bit in private."

"Sure, Uncle." I nodded before turning to the brothers. "I will see you guys later."

"Yeah. Oh, before I forget." Eli spoke just as I was about to walk away. "I had asked Amara to brief your new assistant of his duties. I will make sure she completes his orientation before the board meeting today."

I smiled before leaving and following Uncle Richard out of the room, thankful for the fact that I had found such a good friend in Eli. 

Update 5/5 OH THANK GOD. 
It is so difficult to stay true to commitments, but I am really glad I made the 5 chapters happen. 
Next update will be as usual on Thursday so it will give me some time to cool down my fingers and my brain :D

PS. Ok Taec-yeon as Dante James in the pic below
PPS. I know he is HAWT

 I know he is HAWT

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All my love,


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