Bonus Chapter

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Zaroon was taking care of his small baby as she was staring back at him with her honey brown eyes the same she has inherited from her mother. He was making faces at her she giggled at him making his heart bloomed more for her love.

"Zahiraa, see here," He said and waved a stuffed toy in front of her eyes, she raised her small palms to grab it from him but he raised it a little more and she made a pout about to cry but knowing that he handed her stuff toy making her smile in glee.

He was playing with her but after some time, she started crying, he took her in his arms but she wailed more.

"What happened, my baby? Shhh! Don't cry" Saying he sat down on the bed taking her into his lap and she tried to grab his t-shirt from the chest and snuggled, another embarrassing moment for him.

He took out a milk bottle feeder from the bedside table and put it in her mouth, she sucked on the bottle and he smiled sadly seeing her. Whenever this kind of thing happens, he wishes to have her beside him but that can't be possible.

He caressed her small head as she fed and then stopped at a certain point, he took out the bottle and put it back in its place, taking her back on his shoulder, he gently patted her back as she slept. He was used to this routine by now but still, he wants and wishes to have her mother beside him who is not, unfortunately!


"Oh My baby," He said to his daughter as she sat on the bed without the support and he gushed over her.

That's when a lady in her late twenties entered the room and looked at both of them, she glanced at them with longing in her eye but she knew that she can't embrace them.

"Zaroon" She called him who turned around in a swift moment and gave her stern expressions.

"I told you not to come here," He said in a blank voice as he took Zahiraa in his arms, the baby looked at the lady and made the arms in front of her as if to go towards her but Zaroon turned away making her face on the other side.

"You can't do this," The lady said with tears glazing her beautiful orbs and that tears broke his heart as well but hardening his heart he looked away making her retreat.

He huffed out and taking Zahiraa in his arms, he made his way to their parent's room, dropping Zahiraa to her grandmother, he made his way towards her.

As he has presumed, she was sitting on the bed with tears running on her cheek, he shook his head and closing the door behind him sat down in front of her who moved her face away from him.

"Zee, don't make this difficult for me," He said in a defeated voice and she sniffed.

"I am... Making it... Difficult?" She asked as more tears came out of her eyes.

"Just get back well soon and it will all be fine," He said as cupped her face.

"Don't touch me" She said, going away from his touch and he looked at her with longing in his eyes.

Apparently, Zehra was suffering from a cold and cough and was suspected to have caught Covid infection and hence was being kept in isolation till the reports would come but we couldn't keep away from her baby.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you" He said to her with determination yet glazed eyes, he can't see her like this.

She nodded her head controlling her tears and turned away, knowing if she would keep crying and look at him, he won't leave her and she doesn't wish to catch him infection as well.

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